Search result(s) - siláb

silabó, silabô


(H) To stand on end, stand upright. (see tíndog, tinggarô).

silábo, silabó


To flare up, blaze, flame up (forth); to throb, beat. (see dábdab, haráhará, kubákubá, kibô).



Dim. and Freq. of abáy. Also: to meddle, put one's nose in, interfere. Indì ka magabáyabáy sinâ nga mga butáng. Don't meddle in those things. Don't put your nose in such matters. (see pahilabót, pasilabút, pakít-arakáng).



Doubt, indecision, wavering, vacillation, hesitation; to doubt, hesitate, waver, be undecided, be in a dilemma,-a quandary,-suspense, to vacillate, to question. Sa walâ sing duhádúha --. Doubtless, without doubt --. Indì ka magduhádúha siní. Have no doubt about this, be sure of this. Anó pa ang ginaduhádúha mo? What are you still hesitating, vacillating, doubting about? Why are you still wavering? Anó ang ginaduháduháan mo? What is it you are doubtful of or undecided about? Seguróha gid ang ímo hunâhúnà, índì mo pagduháduháon. Be firmly convinced, don't permit any doubts to enter your mind. Walâ na nákon pagaduháduhái ang íya sinâ nga kamatuóran, ápang nagaduhádúha pa akó kon mabúut balá ukón índì ang pagpasilabút sa amó nga mga butáng. I do not any longer doubt the truth of it, but I am still undecided as to whether it is prudent or not to interfere in such things. Duhádúha na gid kon maabút pa siá karón, kay gáb-i na. It is very doubtful whether he will come now that it is dark.



To meddle, interfere, participate, take part in, put one's nose in. Indì ka maghilabút sináng mga butáng. Don't take part in such things. Don't meddle in those matters. Pahilábta siá sa siníng panublión nga dútà. Let him have a share in this hereditary land. Ang Mahál nga Bírhen walâ paghilábti sang salâ nga panublión. The Blessed Virgin had no part in original sin. (see lábut, pasilabút, pakit-arakáng).



To disturb, stir up, excite, interfere with. Ayáw kutibawá ang putyúkan kon índì ka buút kutúton. Don't disturb the bees, if you don't like to be stung. (see labúgay, súdyot, pasilabút, pakitarakáng).



Connection with, concern, interest, implication, business, relation, having to do with; to be implicated, have a connection with, have to do with, etc. Anó ang lábut mo sinâ? What have you got to do with that? What business is that of yours? Walâ áko sing lábut sinâ. I have nothing to do with that. That does not concern me in the least. Nalábtan (nalabútan) akó sang íla nga kasábà. I was involved in their lawsuit. Palábta siá sang panublíon nínyo. Let him have a share in your inheritance. Ipalábut mo sa íya ang isá ka báhin sang malápad nga dútà. Let him have a part of the extensive grounds. Lábut pa--. Over and above--. Besides--. Apart from--. In addition to--. Waláy lábut nga--. Notwithstanding that--. However--. Though--. (see pahilabút, pasilabút, kalabtánan, úmid, daláhig).



To meddle in, interfere, take part in, butt in, thrust oneself in, intrude, interpose, put one's finger in the pie, poke one's nose in. Put one's oar in. Indì mo pagpahilábtan yanáng mga butáng. Don't meddle in those things. Nagpahilabút galî siá sa amó nga kasábà? Did he indeed take part in that lawsuit? (pa, hi, lábut). (see pasilabút).



To meddle or interfere in, poke one's nose in, interpose, butt in, intrude oneself in, take part in (impertinently), mix oneself up with. Indì ka magpakitarakáng sang mga buluhatón sang ibán. Indì mo pagpakitarakangán ang mga buluhatón sang ibán. Don't meddle in (with) the doings of others. (see pasilabút).



(B) To stand on end, stand erect. (see silabô, tinggarô, paníndog).

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