Search result(s) - útang



Payment in full, settlement; to settle an account, discharge a debt, pay in full, square-, adjust-, a debt or claim; square, quit, quits, on even terms. Nakatámbis na silá sang íla útang sa kay Fuláno. They have now paid in full their debts to N.N. Tinambisán ko ang ákon útang sa íya kaína sang ága. I settled my account with him this morning. Támbis na silá. Now they are square, quits, on even terms again. (see kábis, túmbas, ímpas).



To insist on payment; importune, press, dun, urge repeatedly (that a debt should be paid, an account squared, a contract fulfilled, or the like). Tukbilá siá sang íya útang. Insist on his paying his debt. Gintúkbil níya akó sang tulún-an nga ákon ginhulám sa íya. He kept asking me to give him back the book I had borrowed from him. Indì ka magtúkbil sa íya. Don't press him. (see túhil, sákò).



Payment in full, complete satisfaction; to pay off, pay in full, square, settle (up), satisfy completely, give adequate satisfaction, make full amends for. Walâ pa siá magtúmbas sang íya nga útang. He has not yet paid off his debt. Nakabáyad na siá sing túmbas. Gintúmbas na níya ang báyad. He has now paid in full. He has squared his account. Walâ akó sing ikatúmbas sang madámù nga mga kaayohán nga ímo ginhímò sa ákon. I am unable to (I cannot) make you a full return for the many benefits you have bestowed on me. Tumbasí siá sang ímo útang. Pay him your debt in full. Gintúmbas gid níya ang íya nga sayúp. He made full amends for his mistake. (see ímpas, kábis, bálus, báwì, tímpos).



(H) Place or person to get a loan from, or to become a debtor to; loan-monger, loan-office. (see útang)



(H) Place or person to get a loan from, or to become a debtor to; loan-monger, loan-office. (see útang)



Money (cash, funds) to be raised, a prospective or promised loan, etc. (see útang).



Money (cash, funds) to be raised, a prospective or promised loan, etc. (see útang).



Retail, small quantity, little by little; to retail, deal in small quantities, do little by little, by little and little, in small instalments, etc. Ginautáyutáy lang níya ang pagbáyad sang íya útang. He is paying off his debt in small amounts at a time (in (by) instalments). Maáyo kon índì mo pagtíngban sang íya galastóhon ang bátà mo nga nagatoón sa Manílà, kóndì utáyutayán mo lang. It is advisable (good policy) not to give your son that is studying in Manila the whole amount for his expenses in a lump sum, but to let him have it by instalments (by small remittances from time to time). Bungkagá lang ang isá mo ka manóso (máno) nga tabákò kag ipautáyutáy, agúd madalî maúrut sang bakál. Just undo one of your bundles of tobacco-leaves and sell it retail so that it may be bought up soon. Nagabalígyà siá sing utáyutáy. He is selling retail. He is a retail-merchant. (see píndak-wholesale).



Retail, small quantity, little by little; to retail, deal in small quantities, do little by little, by little and little, in small instalments, etc. Ginautáyutáy lang níya ang pagbáyad sang íya útang. He is paying off his debt in small amounts at a time (in (by) instalments). Maáyo kon índì mo pagtíngban sang íya galastóhon ang bátà mo nga nagatoón sa Manílà, kóndì utáyutayán mo lang. It is advisable (good policy) not to give your son that is studying in Manila the whole amount for his expenses in a lump sum, but to let him have it by instalments (by small remittances from time to time). Bungkagá lang ang isá mo ka manóso (máno) nga tabákò kag ipautáyutáy, agúd madalî maúrut sang bakál. Just undo one of your bundles of tobacco-leaves and sell it retail so that it may be bought up soon. Nagabalígyà siá sing utáyutáy. He is selling retail. He is a retail-merchant. (see píndak-wholesale).



To deny, gainsay; to forget, forgive. Ginawálà níya ang íya útang. He denies his debt. Waláa inâ sa ímo panumdúman. Forget it. Wipe it off your memory. Waláon (wád-on, wár-on) mo ang íya nga sayúp. Forgive (Pardon) his fault. Ang pagkawálà sang mga salâ. The forgiveness of sin. (see walâ, himutíg, patáwad, pálà, dúlà).



(H) Anything on which an object may be put or placed. Bulutángan sang abó. An ash-tray. Bulutángan sang botílya. Bottle-stand. (see butáng).



Thing, entity, object, transaction, matter, circumstance, event, anything that exists or is conceived to exist, as a separate entity; substantive, noun (grammar). Amó iní ang isá ka butáng nga --. This is a thing (an entity, object, etc.) that --. (see walâ-nothing; búhat-verb; ngálan-name; noun).



To put, place, lay. Ibutáng mo ang líbro sa lamésa. Put the book on the table. Butangi ang lamésa sing pagkáon. Put some food on the table. Ginbutangán kamí níla sing madámù nga mga kalisúd. They brought many troubles upon us,-caused us many difficulties. (see atáng, túngtung).



Slander, calumny, libel; to slander, calumniate, libel, backbite. Dî mo pagbutángbutángan ang ímong isigkatáo. Slander not your neighbour. Dî mo pagibutángbútang sa íya inâ. Don't bring that false accusation against him. (see libák-to detract).



To be muddy, sludgy. See dáliang id.



To put, place. (see butáng, hámtang).



To put, place, etc. (see butáng, hámtang, hamutáng, kahimtángan).

Slanderous, backbiting, reviling, calumniating, libellous. (butángbútang).



Property, wealth, assets, material possessions. (butáng).



Freq. of butáng-to put, place, etc.

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