Search result(s) - alát



To glide or slide down a rope or pole, using chiefly the hands in doing so. Nagalóg-og lang siá. He just slid down. Alog-ogí ang kalát. Glide down the rope. Metaphorically: to go away or leave secretly, go down by stealth or unnoticed. Sa tápus ang panihápon nagalóg-og lang siá. After supper he just slipped away, left without the knowledge of those in the house. (see kalóg-og id.).



A pretended sickness; to feign sickness, pretend to be ill, to malinger, simulate some illness. Aloy lang ináng íya balatían. That sickness of his is a mere imposture or sham. Indì ka magáloy. Don't pretend to be sick. Gináloy lang níya ináng balatían. He merely simulated that disease. Iáloy mo lang nga masakít ang úlo mo. Simply pretend to have a headache.



Slow, gentle, soft, mild, not quick, not impetuous, not impulsive; chronic, not acute (of disease); to be or become slow, gentle, mild. Ang mga balatían nga alugáynay. Chronic diseases. Nahúlug siá sa bintánà, ápang walâ siá masamári, kay nagalugáynay ang pagtupâ níya sa dútà nga mahómok. He fell out of the window, but was not hurt, for his fall was soft on the loose earth. Alugáynay gid lámang ang íya nga pagpangítà sing kabuhián. He earns his livelihood with difficulty. His earnings are coming in but slowly. (see ananáy, inanáy, hínay, nagáynay).



(B) To stay, live, take up one's abode. Nagaamoyóng silá sa umá. They are living at their farm. Ipaamoyóng ko ang ákon masakít nga bátà sa ínyo baláy sa umá, agúd magáyo ang íya balatían. I'll let my sick child stay with you at the farm, in order that it may recover from its sickness. Ang ámon baláy amô ang naamoyongán sang pilasón. Our house it was in which the wounded man took up his abode. Paamoyongá iníng makaloló-oy nga babáe sa ímo baláy. Allow this poor woman to stay at your house. (see lúntad, puyô).



To join, tie, fasten, bind, connect. Angta (angotá) ang higót. Join the ends of the string. Angti ang tímbà sang kalát. Fasten the bucket to the rope. Iangót ang isá ka písì sa isá. Connect one cord with the other. Angta ang kalát. Splice the rope. (see higót, gáid, bángot, bangót, gôos, balíghot),

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