Search result(s) - búlak



Exsiccation, withering, fading, drying up. Búlak nga walâ sing kalayaán. A flower that never withers. (see kalayâ).



A cotton-plant with reddish or light brown flowers. (see búlak-a cotton-plant with white flowers).



To pick, pluck, gather, cull. Kótla ang búlak. Pluck the flower. Kótli akó sing búlak. Pluck me some flowers. Ikotól akó ánay siníng búlak. Please pick this flower for me.



(B) Stale, vapid, spoilt; rotten, smelling bad, nauseating (of fruits, foodstuffs, water, etc.); to be or become stale, etc. Naglán-o ang túbig sa palanggána, kay pilá na ka ádlaw kag walâ mo pagilísi. The water in the wash-basin has become foul, for you have not changed it for some days. Nalan-ohán akó siníng búyò, lubí, tabákò, pagkáon, etc. These búyò-leaves, coconuts, this tobacco, food, etc. seem bad to me. Ang túbig sa sulúd sang botílya nga ginabutangán sing búlak magalán-o sa dílì madúgay. The water in the bottle in which you put some flowers will before long smell bad.



To be or become dry, exsiccated, to fade, wither, dry up, shrivel. Ang búlak nga naípò kahápon naláyà (nagkaláyà) na. The flower that was plucked yesterday is dry and shrivelled already. Naláyà na iníng gatóng. This firewood is dry now. Palayáa ang kawáyan ánay kag ugáling guyúron mo. Let the bamboo get dry first and then haul it. Nalayáan kamí sing madámù nga tanúm tungúd sang lakás nga ínit. Many of our plants withered away on account of the excessive heat. (see malá, ugá, layóng, layâ).



Dry, faded, withered, exsiccated, parched, wrinkled and shrivelled, sear, sere; to be completely dry, become faded, etc. Layâ nga búlak. A faded flower. Layâ nga dáhon. A withered leaf. Naglayâ na ang búlak. The flower has faded already. Nalayaán akó sináng mga dáhon. Those leaves seem to me to have withered. Those leaves are too wrinkled or shrivelled for me. (see láyà, layóng).



To scorch, parch, wither, heat, warm (said of things that are very near, but not quite in contact with, a flame). Naláyob ang búlak sang dábdab sang kandílà. The flower was scorched by the light of the candle. (see pásò, láhob, hálob).



(B) To fade, wither, die out, parch, burn. Nagalayók ang tinanúm ko nga mga búlak. The flowers I planted have withered. Nalayokán akó sa karón nga túig sing madámù nga maís. This year a great deal of my corn was parched. Kon magdáyon ang ínit nga walâ sing ulán madámù nga tanúm ang magalayók. If the heat continues without rain, many plants will die. (see láyà, lúmpaw, layóng).



To seek, look for, try to find, search after something (especially in a place dense with undergrowth, in a forest, jungle or the like). Lighotá ang báka nga nadúlà sa kagulángan. Look for the lost cow in the jungle. Lighotí akó sing uwáy, nítò, etc. sa talúnan. Get me some rattan, nítò, etc. from the forest. Nagalíghot silá sing mga búlak sa masíot. They are looking for flowers amongst the dense undergrowth. (see lághap, sághap, ságap, pangítà).



To wither, fade; faded, withered; state of being withered. Naglúmpaw ang búlak, dáhon, káhoy, etc. The flower, leaf, tree, etc. withered. Nalumpawán akó sing limá ka púnò nga kakáw nga ákon tinanúm. Five cacao plants I put into the soil withered. Ayáw pagbunyagí iníng mga tanúm, palumpawá lang. Don't take the trouble to water these plants, simply let them wither. (see láyà, layâ, layóng).



The letter "M" in Visayan is pronounced as in English. The letter "M" is one of the labials b, p, m, and as it is the easiest to pronounce, it often takes the place of the other two:

1) after the prefixes pan-, man-, magapan-, etc. But note that the final "n" of these prefixes is dropt, e.g. pamulúng (pan-, bulúng); pamúlong (pan-, púlong), etc. etc.

2) after the prefixes hi-and ha-, e.g. himungá (hi-, búnga); himúlbul (hi-, búlbul); hamulák (ha-, búlak); hámtang (ha-, butáng), etc. etc.



Flowery, full of flowers, like flowers, in blossom, in bloom. Mabulákon nga umá. A field full of flowers. Mabulákon nga hámbal. Flowery speech. (see búlak, himulák, hamulák-bearing flowers).



To do something by degrees, step by step, gradually, piecemeal, in slow but sure stages, do slowly, deliberately. Nagamátmat sa pagdakû iníng tanúm. This plant is growing tall by slow degrees. Ginmátmat níya ang kúhà (ang pagkúhà) sang íya nga galamitón sa baláy ni Fuláno. He took away his furniture from N.N.'s house one by one or piece by piece. Matmatá sang arádo ang ímo umá. Plough your field leisurely or in easy stages. Ang kaámyon sang mga búlak nagamátmat guób (sa pagguób) sang mga talámnan. The fragrance of the flowers is slowly spreading over the fields. (see amát, amátamát).

(B) Various, divers, diversified, diverse, different, assorted, all kinds of, all sort of, all manner of, varied, heterogeneous, mixed. Ang mga búlak may nanarîsárì nga duág kag kahumút. The flowers have all sorts of colours and scent. (see sarîsárì, nanuháytúhay, tuháytúhay, laínláin).



To allure, entice, attract. Ang mga búlak nagapaamág sang putyókan. Flowers attract bees. Ginpaamág níya si Fuláno sang íya ngga kaúgdang kag maáyo nga batásan. She attracted N.N. by her modesty and virtue. Paamagá si tútò sang kalan-ónon or ipaamág sa kay tútò ang mga kalan-ónon. Gain the attachment of the little darling by giving him some pastry. (pa, amág).



To compare with, liken to, illustrate by a similitude or simile, make or institute a comparison between. Ipaánggid, mo ang isá sa isá. Compare the one with the other. Ang kabúhì sang táo ginapaánggid sa umalági nga búlak. The life of man is like a passing flower. (pa, ánggid).

(H) Flowering, having (bearing) many flowers. (see búlak, himulák, hamulák).

pamúlak, pamulák


To flower, blossom, bloom; cover with flowers. (see búlak, pamulákan).



Garden, flower-garden, park. (búlak).



Freq. of alísbong-odour, smell, etc.; to emit or exhale an odour, smells, scents, odoriferous vapours, etc. Nagapangalísbong ang mga mahumút nga búlak sa pamulákan. The fragrant flowers are filling the garden with their odours (sweet smell, sweetness).

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