Search result(s) - nínyo



To drop in, visit, call upon; to strike, graze, touch. Hápit ka ánay dirí sa ámon? Won't you come up for a moment? Ginhapítan nínyo si Párì Lukás dídto sa Ilóngílong?-Walâ kamí makahápit sa íya, kay nagdalî kamí sa pagpaúlì. Did you call on Father Lucas in Iloilo?-No, we could not call on him, for we were in a hurry to get home. Ang íya baláy hinápit sang líntì kag nasúnug. His house was struck by lightning and burnt to the ground. Ang isá ka trák humápit sang íya nga síko nga natángday sa talámbwan sa túman kabáskug nga túbtub ang mga túl-an sang íya abága nagkalutá gid. A passing truck grazed his elbow, which was resting on the window, with such force that his shoulder was dislocated. (see sákà, dúaw, salapáy).



To pile one thing above another in regular order, stack (leaves, sheets, boards, etc.). Hapnigá ang mga dáhon sang búyò, tabákò, etc. Arrange the buyo-, tobacco-leaves etc. neatly in a pile. Hapnigí akó sináng mga papél. Put those papers together in a pile for me. Ihápnig akó ánay sináng mga rebísta nga nagadulúm-ok. Please pile up neatly those reviews lying about in disorder. Ihápnig nínyo ang mga tápì sa idálum sang baláy. Stack the boards underneath the house. (see hántal, kamáda, aníb).



Afternoon, after dinner, evening, nightfall, eventide, decline or close of day; to be or turn evening, etc. Karón sa hápon. This afternoon or evening. Pahúway lang kamó ánay, ápang kon maghápon na dayónon nínyo ang pagdáro. Take a rest now, but when it gets towards evening continue your ploughing. (N.B. Hápon includes all the time between noon and sunset or the ringing of the Angelus-bell; after the Angelus has been rung "gáb-i" starts). (see kahápon-yesterday).



A petty King, chief, chieftain, headman; a kind of entertainment presided over by a chosen King. Nagahámpang silá sang "harî-hárì". They are playing the "King game". Si Fuláno amó ang harîhárì siníng minurô. N.N. is the ruler of this village,-is the most influential man in this village. Sín-o ang ginpílì nínyo nga harîhárì? Whom did you choose as your King for the entertainment? (see pangólo).



To make room or way, open a passage, clear the course, give way, leave an open space, let pass. Háwà kamó, kay magaági ang trak. Make room, for the truck will pass. Hawáan nínyo ang alágyan sa tungâ sang simbáhan. Leave the passage free in the middle of the Church. Hawái akó sang mga táo, kay magalubás akó. Get the people out of the way, for I am going to pass.



To cooperate, collaborate, work together, unite, combine, join in, help each other, have unison. Hiúgyon (maghiúgyon) kamó. Cooperate, unite. Naghiliúgyon silá sa pagpatíndog sing ermíta. They helped each other to erect a chapel. They joined together in building a chapel. Hiugyoní nínyo ang kalaíngnon, aradohón, etc. Assist each other in burning out the jungle, in ploughing, etc. (see hitóhog, hiúsa, binuligáy).



An exclamation to draw one's attention. Hey! Hi! Hoy! hye! Hóy, sín-o ikáw dirâ? Hey, who are you over there? Hóy, maanó kamó dirâ? Hey, what are you up to there? Hóy, índì nínyo pagkawáton ang ákon mga serigwélas. Hoy, don't you steal my plums.



To fall upon in a body, make common cause against. Indì nínyo siá paghugnitón. Don't fall upon him in a body. Ang mga gamít nga nabilín ni ánhing Fuláno ginhulúgnit sang íya kahinablúsan. All the furniture and clothes of the late N.N. were seized by her nieces and nephews. Ila ginhulúgnit sang sakít ang makáwat nga íla nadákpan. They (all together) maltreated the thief they caught. (see púli).



To toot, sound, blow (a musical instrument, wind (a horn), blow into a pipe or tube, etc.). Huthutá ang kornetín. Blow the cornetin. Ihúthut akó sang klarinéte. Please play the clarinette to me. Huthutí akó nínyo sing isá ka matahúm nga sonáta. Play (by blowing) me a nice piece of music. Pahuthutá siá sang kornetín. Order him to, or let him, play the cornetin. Metaphorically: Huthutá ang háblon mo. Finish quickly the cloth you are weaving. (see húyup, húnghung, hingágaw, dúsdus).



Condition of being dense, compact; close or near together, crowded; to be close or near together, dense, compact, with little space between. Nagaíkit ang humáy sa ákon umá. The rice on my field is growing thick. Indì nínyo pagikíton ang pagtanúm sing lubí. Do not plant the coconuts too close together. Naikítan akó sináng mga lubí. It seems to me that those coconuts are crowded. Magídas kamó sing íkit, dílì sing lakâ. Stand in a row close together, not far apart. (see garót, gutúk).



Condition of being dense, compact; close or near together, crowded; to be close or near together, dense, compact, with little space between. Nagaíkit ang humáy sa ákon umá. The rice on my field is growing thick. Indì nínyo pagikíton ang pagtanúm sing lubí. Do not plant the coconuts too close together. Naikítan akó sináng mga lubí. It seems to me that those coconuts are crowded. Magídas kamó sing íkit, dílì sing lakâ. Stand in a row close together, not far apart. (see garót, gutúk).



(Sp. imprenta) Singing to music; to play and sing a serenade, etc. Sín-o ang nagaimprentáda kagáb-i sa atubángan sang baláy ni Fulána? Who was it that serenaded last night outside Miss N.N.'s house. Ginimprentadáhan ni Felípe si Salbasyón. Felipe serenaded Salvación. Iimprentáda (imprentadáha) nínyo iníng bág-o nga kansyón sa kay Fulána. Sing this new song as a serenade to Miss N.N.



(Sp. imprenta) Singing to music; to play and sing a serenade, etc. Sín-o ang nagaimprentáda kagáb-i sa atubángan sang baláy ni Fulána? Who was it that serenaded last night outside Miss N.N.'s house. Ginimprentadáhan ni Felípe si Salbasyón. Felipe serenaded Salvación. Iimprentáda (imprentadáha) nínyo iníng bág-o nga kansyón sa kay Fulána. Sing this new song as a serenade to Miss N.N.



By the day, a day, per day, daily, daily wages. Pilá ang inádlaw mo? What is your daily wage? How much a day do you get? Anó ang ginkasugtánan nínyo nga inádlaw? How much per day did you agree upon? (see ádlaw, aladláwan).



By the day, a day, per day, daily, daily wages. Pilá ang inádlaw mo? What is your daily wage? How much a day do you get? Anó ang ginkasugtánan nínyo nga inádlaw? How much per day did you agree upon? (see ádlaw, aladláwan).



Competition, contest, match, tournament, drive; to compete, contest, contend, vie with, play against. Mostly used with pa-. Paindisí (Indisí) nínyo ang bísbol. Compete with each other at baseball. Nagaindisánay (nagapaindisánay) silá. They are-vying with each other,-competing with each other.



Competition, contest, match, tournament, drive; to compete, contest, contend, vie with, play against. Mostly used with pa-. Paindisí (Indisí) nínyo ang bísbol. Compete with each other at baseball. Nagaindisánay (nagapaindisánay) silá. They are-vying with each other,-competing with each other.



Dim. and Freq. of índis. Paindísindisán nínyo ang relóh nga igaprémyo sa magadaúg. Compete for the watch to be given as a prize to the winner. Ginhíwat níla ang isá ka paindísíndis sa dúmug. They got up a wrestling contest.



Dim. and Freq. of índis. Paindísindisán nínyo ang relóh nga igaprémyo sa magadaúg. Compete for the watch to be given as a prize to the winner. Ginhíwat níla ang isá ka paindísíndis sa dúmug. They got up a wrestling contest.



Of you (plural); your, yours. (see nínyo, ákon).

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