Search result(s) - íban



To know, understand, comprehend, grasp; to explain, expound, elucidate, mention. Makatalástas ikáw sinâ? Do you understand that? Talastasí siá sang nahanabô (nagkahanabô). Explain to him what happened. Iní nga tanán kag madámù pa nga ibán nga maláwig kaáyo nga italástas--. All this and many other things that would take too much time to mention (explain)--.



To stray, wander from, separate from, lose contact with. Iníng mga soldádo nagtalíbkas sa íla mga kaupdánan. These soldiers have lost contact with their comrades, have become separated from their company. Bantayí sing maáyo ang mga karabáw nga bág-o ko lámang mabakál, agúd índì makatalíbkas sa ibán. Watch the buffaloes I have lately bought with great care, lest they should stray from the rest. (see talíbwas, bulág, sipák).



All together, united, gathered, collected, connected, combined, associated, assembled, general; to come together, unite, gather, collect, bring together, amass, embody, congregate. Tingúb (Nagatingúb) silá nga tanán dirâ. They are all together over there. Tíngba silá. Gather (collect, bring) them together. Ang paghokóm nga sing tingúb. The general judgment. Itingúb siá sa ibán nga mga bumulúthò. Put him with the other students. Gintingúb níya sa amó nga tulún-an ang madámù nga mga sinugígsúgid nga sinádto. He embodied in that book many stories (legends) of bygone days. Tíngbi akó sináng mga páhò. Gather (Glean) those mangoes for me. Natíngban siá sang tanán nga pagkasampáton sa amó nga palangakóan. He has (had) all the accomplishments for such an office. (see típon, ímpon, símpon, karipón, holónhólon, hubónhúbon, hirípo, etc.).



Sugar cane; to grow or plant sugar cane. Maáyo karón ang pagtúbò sang tubó. The sugar cane is growing well at present. Iníng dútà pagatubuhán (pagatúbhan) ko sa madasón nga túig. Next year I shall plant sugar cane in this field. Yanáng umá dílì maáyo nga matúbhan, kóndì támnan lang sang ibán nga mga talamnúnon. That land is no good for sugar cane planting, but shall be planted with other crops. (see katúbhan, katulúbhan).



Even, quite, to such an extent, in such a degree. Mabáskug gid ang bágyo nga túbtub ang ibán nga mga dalágkù nga baláy nagkalapúkan. The storm was so fierce that even some of the large houses were blown down.



To open a little or partially a book, curtain, package, the mouth, etc. so as to be able to see what is inside or behind the cover; to disclose, discover, invent. Tukibá ang pinutús, agúd makítà ko kon anó ang sulúd. Open the parcel a little so that I may see what is inside. Ipitá (Ligpitá) ang atóp agúd índì matukíb sang hángin. Fasten the roof down so that the wind may not be able to lift it. Basáha iníng sulát, ápang tukibón mo gid lámang, agúd nga índì mabása sang ibán. Read this letter, but open it only a little so that the others may not be able to read it. Makatitingála ang mga natukibán (tinukibán) sang bág-o nga kinaálam. The discoveries or inventions of modern science are marvellous. Dílì náton masáyran kon anó pa balá ang matukibán sang mga manginalámon kunína. We do not know what scientists may discover yet in the future. (see sukíb, sukáb, tokáb, tukís, ukáb).



Right, reason, motive, interest, relation or connection with, reference, regard. May tungúd siá kag bangúd sa pagbúhat sinâ. In acting thus he has (had) right and reason on his side. Anó ang tungúd mo sinâ? What is your interest in that matter (affair)? What have you got to do with it? Sa tungúd siní gánì--. Just on account of this--. Precisely for this reason--. N.B. Besides as noun "tungúd" is also very widely used as:

1) Verb: to concern, refer to, belong to, have a relation or connection with, e.g. iníng báhin sang humáy natungúd sa kay Fuláno. This part of the rice belongs (pertains) to N.N. Ipanáysay mo inâ sa mga punoán nga natúngdan. Explain that to the authorities that are concerned in the matter (--to the proper, corresponding authorities). Patungúd, pahanungúd-to attribute to, offer up-for,-in behalf of,-in behoof of, to do for the-sake of,-good of, to do to the advantage of, apply to, bestow upon, consider as belonging to, impute, etc. Iníng indulhénsya saráng mapahanungúd sa mga kalág sa purgatóryo. This indulgence can be applied to the souls in Purgatory. Dílì mo pagipatungúd sa ibán ang ímo mga sayúp. Don't impute your own faults to someone else.

2) Conjunctive particle: Because, since, seeing that, for, on the ground that, in as much as, e.g. Naakígan siá sang íya agálon tungúd nga nagsabát siá. He roused (incurred) the anger of his master, because he answered back. Walâ siá makatámbong, tungúd kay nagmasakít siá. He could not put in an appearance, because he-was taken ill,-had been taken ill,-took ill. Tungúd kay (Tungúd nga) ginbúhat mo inâ pangabagáha na man ang salábton. On the ground that you have done it you must also shoulder the responsibility.

3) Preposition: a. About, concerning, touching, as to, as for, respecting, as respects, with respect to, regarding, as regards, with regard to, referring to, with reference to, in connection with, pertaining to, appertaining to, bearing upon, relating to, with relation to, etc. Namángkot siá (sa) tungúd sang bilí sang kawáyan. He asked about the price of bamboo. Sa tungúd sang íya pagpalágyo walâ akó kabatî (makabatî) sing bisán kon anó. As to his flight, I have heard nothing whatever about it.

b. Because of, owing to, for the reason that, on the ground that, on account of, etc. Nasáyran ko na tungúd sang ímo pagsáysay. I know now because of your explanation. Ginbalúsan siá níla tungúd sang íya kaísug kag tungúd sang íya pagpatigáyon sing búlig. They rewarded him for his courage and because he brought up help. Walâ silá makabáyad tungúd sang íla piérde (kapierdéhan) sa bágyo. They could not pay on account of the losses they had sustained in the bágyo. Tungúd sa anó? Why? Wherefore? For what reason? Tungúd siní. Therefore. For this reason.

c. For the good of, for the sake of, for the benefit (advantage) of, for, in behalf (behoof) of. "Indì kamó maghibî tungúd sa ákon, kóndì tungúd sa ínyo kag sa ínyo mga anák". Don't weep over me, but weep for yourselves and for your children".

d. Through, through the agency of, by, by means of, by the help of, etc. Tungúd kay Hesukrísto nga Aton Ginóo. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Nakadángat siá sa pagpatábà sang íya umá sa maáyo nga bilí tungúd kay Pédro. He managed to sell his field at a fair price by the help (through the-influence,-intervention,-good offices) of Peter. (see bangúd, kay, hay, nahanungúd, nahatungúd, pahanúngdan, katungdánan, palahanúngdan).



To lose, drop (something inadvertently); to disappear, get lost, fall down (out). Usisáa sing maáyo ang pinutús mo, kay básì nawasí ang kahón nga tabákò. Examine your parcel well, for maybe the box of cigars has been lost. Amligí ang sensílyo, agúd dílì mawasí ang ibán. Take good care of the change (coins), so that none may be lost. (see wígit, dúlà, dágdag).



Butterfly; a tree with beautiful leaves resembling butterflies.



(Sp. escribano) Clerk, especially the clerk of a court of First Instance.



(Sp. escribano) Clerk, especially the clerk of a court of First Instance.



Arms, weapon. See hinganíban.



Arms, weapon.



Occupation, task, business, work, preoccupation preventing one from attending to something else. May kalibángan pa akó. I have still some work to do-or-I am still occupied or busy. (see libáng).



See kaluíb. Also: Treacherous deeds, treasonable proceedings, traitorous actions, cheating.



To tremble, be shocked; to astonish, surprise, take aback. Kiníbang siá. He was taken by surprise, was taken aback. (see kibút, tingála).



To wash one's hands, etc. See hunáw, hináw, ribánaw. (see húgas, hilám-os).



To distract, divert, entertain. Duhá ka makáwat ang nagsulúd sa balaligyáan, ang isá sa íla amó ang nangáwat sámtang nga ang isá naglibáng sa manugbalígyà sang íya mga pamangkotánon. Two thieves entered the shop; one of them committed the theft whilst the other distracted the shop-keeper with various questions. (see bangá, lingáw).



Occupation, work, task, business, job; to have something to do, be busy about, take care of children, etc. Anó ang libáng mo dirí? What are you doing here? What business have you got here? Maglibáng ka sang bátà or libangá ang bátà. Look after the baby. Take care of the baby. Ilibáng mo akó ánay sang bátà. Kindly look after the baby for a while. (see awát, búhat).



(H) Place were something is taken care of. Lilibángan sang mga kabatáan. Kinder-garten. Centre of puericulture. (see libáng).

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