Search result(s) - wálà



To speak to, be on speaking terms with, converse with, have social relations with, make friends with, make it up. Walâ na gid silá magbugnohánay siníng duhá ka simána nga naglilígad. They have not spoken to each other for the last two weeks. Magbúgno ka sa íya or bugnohá siá. Speak to him. Converse with him. Humalín sang pagsúay níla sádtong isá ka ádlaw walâ gid silá magbugnohánay. Since their quarrel the other day they have not spoken to each other. Walâ na silá pagbugnohánay. They are not on speaking terms any more. (see támyaw, pakigpulóngpúlong, hámbal, abíábi).



Opening, gap, break, breach in a-dam,-dyke,-embankment,-levee, etc.; to open, breach a dam, etc. Buhángi ang kahón sang humáy. Make a gap in the bank of the rice-field. Ginbuhángan níla ang púnud sa subâ. They made a breach in the river-dyke. Ibúhang akó siníng púnud. Please, open this dyke for me. Nagasupón gid lang ang túbig dirí, kay walâ sing buhangán. The water, naturally, collects here, for there is no outlet.



Diminution, reduction, deduction, subtraction, lessening; to lessen, diminish, reduce, deduct, subtract, take off. Nagaamát-amát sang búhin ang humáy. The rice is slowly getting less. Nakabúhin siá sang arína. He took off some flour. Ginbuhínan níya ang swéldo sang íya mutsátso, kay matámad, konó. He lowered, docked, the wage of his servant, for he is lazy, he says. Buhíni ang bilí siní, kay támà kamahál. Lower, cut, the price of this, for it is too dear. Ibúhin mo akó sing isá ka pásong nga humáy sa íya párte nga limá ka pásong, kay may útang siá sa ákon. Please, deduct one bushel of rice from his share of five bushels, for he is in debt to me. Iníng tambóbo nga may humáy walâ pa sing búhin. This rice-granary has not yet been touched (no rice has been taken from it). Nabayáran ko siá sa waláy búhin. I paid him in full (without haggling on my part or remission on his). (see pakulús, paisót, padítay, patikî, kúpus, íban).



(B) To say, think, intend, plan, utter. Nagbúkò siá nga sa buás makádto siá sa Ilóngílong. He intends to go to Iloilo to-morrow. Ginbukóan níya ang pagdúaw sa íya nga tíyà, ápang walâ siá magdúaw sa íya. He said he would pay a visit to his aunt, but he did not visit her. Ginabúkò níla nga --. They gave out that --. They intend to --.



To sever, separate, divorce, part, sunder, put asunder. Bulagón nínyo ang ínyo nga paghilúngug. Break off from living together. Magbulágay kamó. Separate from each other. Ginbulág (ginpabulág) níla ang duhá ka bátà nga nagaáway. They separated the two fighting boys. Bulagí ang laláki, kay walâ kamó makasál. Separate from your paramour, for you are not married. Ang ginímpon sang Diós índì pagbulagón sang táo. What God has joined together, let no man put asunder. Sa pagbulágay nagagíkan ang kalímot. Separation begets forgetfulness. "Out of sight, out of mind".



A cock-pit. Walâ na kamí sing bulangán sa ámon bánwa, kay tamà katáas sang buhís. We have no longer a cockpit in our town, for the license-tax is too high.



To emit puffs of smoke or air with some noise, to whiff, puff, fizz, fizzle. Walâ maglupók ang kámara (kámra, rekámara) kóndì nagbúlhot lang. The mortar did not detonate, but simply fizzled out. (see burhot id.).



(H) To spin, rotate, turn round swiftly; to admire, be astonished, surprised. Nagabúlung silá sing búlak. They are spinning cotton. Nabúlung akó nga walâ siá magabút. I was surprised that he did not come. (see búrung id.).



Medicine, physic, simple, drug, potion, draught, treatment, nostrum, remedy for a wound or disease; to doctor, heal, physic, cure, apply a remedy, treat a patient, give medicine. May bulúng ikáw sa pilás? Have you a remedy for a wound? Ibulúng mo sa íya iníng ilímnon. Give this draught to him as a remedy. Búlnga siá. Give him medicine. Heal him. Treat him. Mapabulúng siá sa Ilóngílong. He is going to see a doctor-or-to get treatment in Iloilo. Ipabulúng ko siá sa hospitál. I shall send him for treatment to the hospital. Sín-o ang nagabulúng sa íya? Who is treating him? Sa tanán nga mga balatían may bulúng, ápang sa kamatáyón walâ. For all bodily ills there is a remedy, but none for death. (Pamulúng-the Freq. of bulúng).



An empty coconut, betel-nut or the like; to be or become dull, brainless; idiot, fool, dunce, a brainless fellow. Ang mga búngaw walâ sing pulús. Empty coconuts are of no use. Indì ka magbinúngaw. Don't act as if you had no brains.



Watering, spraying, sprinkling; baptism, christening; to water, spray, sprinkle; to baptize, christen. Bunyagí ang mga tanúm. Sprinkle-, water-, the plants. Iníng bátà walâ pa mabunyagí. This child has not yet been baptized. Ibúnyag iníng túbig sa talóng. Sprinkle this water over the egg-plants. Binunyagán nga bátà, tanúm. A baptized baby, a watered plant. (see bautisár).

búsà, búsa


(H) Therefore, for that reason, on that account. Iníng hénero mahál, búsà índì akó magbakál siní. This cloth is dear, therefore I will not buy it. Nagulan, búsà walâ akó makakarí. It rained and for that reason I could not come.



Thing, entity, object, transaction, matter, circumstance, event, anything that exists or is conceived to exist, as a separate entity; substantive, noun (grammar). Amó iní ang isá ka butáng nga --. This is a thing (an entity, object, etc.) that --. (see walâ-nothing; búhat-verb; ngálan-name; noun).



To jump, spring, strike (as a snake). Ang mán-og nagbútiog sa ákon, ápang walâ makaábut. The snake made a jump at me, but did not reach me. Binutiogán kag binúntug siá sang isá ka mán-og. A snake struck at him and bit him.



To emerge, to rise to the surface from under water. Nalumús siá, kay nagsálum kag walâ na makabútwà. He drowned, for he dived and did not rise to the surface again. (see útwas, bútwas).



Will, intention, mind, reason, understanding, intelligence; to will, want, desire, wish, intend, direct, do as one pleases, set one's heart upon. Anó ang buút mo? What is your will, intention? What do you want? Iníng bátà walâ pa sing buút. This child has not yet come to the use of reason. Maáyo siá sing buút. He has good intentions, has a kind heart. Ang buút ko nga magmaáyo ang ákon anák. It is my wish that my child should become good. Ginabút-an níya ang tanán nga kadapátan sa sulúd sang baláy. Everything in the house is subject to his will or direction. Bút-a na lang siá. Now, just accept him (as your bridegroom). Ginbút-an níya ang pagpuní sang simbáhan. He directed-, looked after-, superintended-, the decorating of the church. Nagágaw siá sang ákon dútà, kay ginbuút níya. He took possession of my land, because he had set his heart on it. Bátok inâ sa ákon buút. That is (was) against my wishes (see kabubút-on).



Hold, grasp, grip; something to hold on to, an advantage or superiority of any kind. Walâ gid akó sing buyótan sa íya. I have no hold on him. I have no influence with him. (see búyot, kaláptan).



Old, ancient, antiquated, used, worn, out of date or fashion, behind the times, primitive, archaic. Dáan na iníng baláy. This is an old house. Ginhámbal ko iní sa ímo nga dáan. I told you this before or long ago. Mga dáan na kitá sa kalibútan. We are a long time in the world, are getting old. Ang Dáan nga Katípan. The Old Law or Testament. Sa walâ pa nga dáan --. Beforehand, before it happened or came about --. Walâ silá magpahibaló sinâ sa ákon nga dáan, kóndì karón lang. They did not tell me that before, but only now. Sang dáan nga mga tinúig dáan man ang mga batásan. In ancient time there were also ancient customs. Ang dáan ko nga panápton. My old or worn out clothes. (see dumáan, mál-am, tigúlang, sádto, ánay, kinarágto, sinádto, minál-am).



Stunted, not growing to maturity, not ripening; to become stunted, etc. Ang humáy nga gintánum námon sang Húlyo nagdabóng, kay walâ sing ulán. The rice we planted in July was short in the straw, because there was no rain. (see arí-arí, agíl-agíl).



Peace, friendliness, amity, concord, harmony, amicableness, good social relations; to be at peace with, have good social relations, be on good terms with, etc. Kon magdaétay kamó masádya kamó. If you live together in peace you will be happy. Walâ sing dáet sa siní nga baláy, daláyon gid lang silá nagasulúay. There is no peace in this family, they are always quarrelling. Daéti si Fuláno. Be friendly towards N.N. Make peace with N.N. Dî mo pagdaétan ang mga maláut sing pamatásan. Don't enter into friendly relations with men of bad habits. (see hidáit).

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