Egg; testicle; to lay eggs. Nagítlog kaína iníng mungâ. This hen laid an egg a short while ago. Nagapangítlog na ang damulága nga manók. The young hen is now laying (eggs). Naitlogán ang ákon alóla sang isá ka mungâ nga dílì ákon. My chicken-basket had an egg laid in it by a hen that does not belong to me.
Egg; testicle; to lay eggs. Nagítlog kaína iníng mungâ. This hen laid an egg a short while ago. Nagapangítlog na ang damulága nga manók. The young hen is now laying (eggs). Naitlogán ang ákon alóla sang isá ka mungâ nga dílì ákon. My chicken-basket had an egg laid in it by a hen that does not belong to me.
Bad, foul, rotten, said of eggs, especially of those having a dead chicken inside; to spoil, become rotten or foul, to go bad (of eggs). Figuratively: unsuccessful, to no purpose; to be or become a failure. Nagbáog ang ítlog. The egg is bad. Mga ítlog nga báog. Rotten eggs. Báog nga táo. An unsuccessful man, one who is unlucky or meets with failure. Nagbáog ang íla nga katuyoán. Their plan or intention was not carried out, came to naught, was shelved, etc. Nabaógan gid silá sang íla nga ginkasugtánan. Their agreement was of short duration,-did not last long,-was soon forgotten.
Vapid, stale, bad, rotten; ugly, nasty. Itlog nga balót. A rotten egg. Tabákò nga balót. Bad tobacco. (see barót).
Brood, clutch, hatch, young ones, applied to birds; to breed, get, have or produce young ones. Ang mungâ nga bolók amó ang nagbotó siníng mga pisô. The spotted hen is the one that hatched these chickens. Bág-o pa lang nabotó iníng mga pisô. These chickens were hatched only a short while ago. Walâ pa mabotó ang mga ítlog siníng mungâ. The eggs of this hen are not yet hatched. Ang mga binotó. The brood, young ones, young birds, chickens. Ipabotó iníng mga ítlog sa mungâ. Let these eggs be put under the hen. Pabotohí (pabótwi) akó siníng duhá ka ítlog sang páto sa ímo mungâ. Have these two duck's eggs hatched by your hen. Put these two duck's eggs under your hen.
An egg that is not quite fresh, the white and the yolk being mixed.
An egg that is not quite fresh, the white and the yolk being mixed.
An egg that is not quite fresh, the white and the yolk being mixed.
An egg that is not quite fresh, the white and the yolk being mixed.
To squeeze or compress so as to crush or break. Nagómok ang ítlog. The egg was crushed. Gomóki akó siníng bató. Crush this stone for me. Igómok mo akó ánay siníng bató nga bukáy, kay ákon pagabókbokón kag ihínis sa ngípon ko. Please crush this white stone for me, for I am going to powder it and clean my teeth with it. Indì mo paggomókon ang olokabá sang alimángo. Don't break the sea-crab's shell. (see dúgmok, lumâ, pusâ, rúbsak, rúpsak).
(B) To hatch, sit on eggs, produce young ones by incubation, incubate. Iníng mungâ nagahalúmhum sing napúlò kag waló ka ítlog. This hen is hatching eighteen eggs. Ipahalúmhum mo iníng mga ítlog ko sa ímo mungâ. Get these eggs of mine hatched by your hen. (Put these eggs of mine under your hen). (see lúmlum).
To brood, sit, hatch (of a hen). Ang mungâ nagahilúmhum sang íya mga ítlog sa pugadán-or-ginahilumhumán sang mungâ ang íya mga ítlog sa pugadán. The hen is hatching her eggs in the nest. (see lúmlum).
Place where eggs are laid, where spawn or roe is deposited, egg-basket, egg-box, spawning bed, spawning ground (place), nest of eggs. (see ítlog).
Place where eggs are laid, where spawn or roe is deposited, egg-basket, egg-box, spawning bed, spawning ground (place), nest of eggs. (see ítlog).
To grope, feel for, fish out with the hand, put one's hand or arm into a hole, or the like. Kuúta ang kwárta sa pálhuk, ang ítlog sa búhò, etc. Fish out the money from the pocket, grope for the egg in the hole, etc. Kuúti akó sing sigarílyo sa bólsa mo. Dig down into your pocket and give me a cigarette. Ikúut akó ánay siníng búhò, básì nangítlog dirâ ang mungâ. Please feel in this hole, maybe the hen has laid an egg there.
Imperforate, closed, compact, full, without an opening. Ang ítlog, bóla, kabúgaw, etc. líbon. Eggs, balls, pomeloes, etc. are completely closed, have no hole or opening.
To shake, agitate (bottles, etc.). Linoá ang lubí kon láhin na úkon línghod pa. Shake the coconut to see whether it is ripe or not. Naglubúg ang sulúd siníng botílya, kay ginlinô níya. The contents of this bottle have become turbid, because he has shaken it. Linoí akó siníng mga ítlog kon maáyo úkon kanô. Shake these eggs for me to see whether they are (good) fresh or not.
The way of cooking eggs without the use of lard or water, by first opening and beating them, then placing the mass on, or between, leaves and the latter into the pan or over live coals; to prepare eggs in that way. Lisága ang ítlog. Prepare the eggs in the lísag-manner. Lisági akó sing tátlo ka bílog nga ítlog. Cook three eggs for me in the lísag way. Ilísag mo akó siníng mga ítlog. Kindly prepare these eggs for me in the lísag style. Ginanamítan ang ibán sang mga ítlog nga linísag (nahímos sa lísag). Some relish eggs prepared according to the lísag recipe.
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