At the side of, next, neighbouring, near by, placed alongside; to put side by side, arrange alongside or near each other, to meet, come together for a quiet conversation. (see ingod, ingód, itúngítung which is more in use than the simple ítung).
At the side of, next, neighbouring, near by, placed alongside; to put side by side, arrange alongside or near each other, to meet, come together for a quiet conversation. (see ingod, ingód, itúngítung which is more in use than the simple ítung).
Dim. and Freq. of ítung. (see ingódíngod). Also: to whisper, talk in a low voice, converse very familiarly or secretly. (see hutík, hudínghúding, hurínghúring).
Dim. and Freq. of ítung. (see ingódíngod). Also: to whisper, talk in a low voice, converse very familiarly or secretly. (see hutík, hudínghúding, hurínghúring).
A prefix used to form:
a.) The passive future tense, e.g. Pagabuháton ko iní. I will (shall) do this. I am going to do it. Pagahulatón ko gid siá. I will certainly wait for him. Pagasulatán ko siá sa buás. Tomorrow I am going to write him. Pagaitúnghol ko sa íya iníng sulát sa madalî nga saráng mahímò. I'll hand him this letter as soon as possible.
b.) The negative present tense of the passive voice, e.g. Ngáa man nga walâ nínyo pagasilhigí ang balatonán? Why are you not sweeping the reception room? Walâ níla pagasókla ang dútà. They are not measuring (surveying) the land. Walâ ko pagaibalígyà ang bág-o nga pinatubás ko nga kalámay. I am not selling my new sugar crop. (see maga-the corresponding counterpart for the active voice).
To hand over, give to, deliver, hand, press into the hand of, transfer to, give up to, give into the possession of another. Itúnghol (mo) sa íya iníng sulát. Hand him this letter. Gintungholán (Tinungholán) akó níya sing limá ka mángmang. He pressed five pesos into my hand. Gintungholán ko siá sang páyong nga íya nalipatán. I put in his hand the umbrella he had forgotten. (see dóhol, entregár, hátag, taó, túgrò).
To place-, put-, sit-, be-, rest-, upon. Itúngtung iní sa látok. Tungtungí siní ang látok. Put this on the table. (see butáng).