Search result(s) - úna



First, foremost, before anything else; former, preceding, prior, previous; to do first, do before something else, go before, lead, guide, be in front. Amó iní ang úna ko nga pagbáyad. This is my first payment (instalment). Dápat ka sing úna magkarí dirí sa ákon. You should come to me first. Silíng sang ákon pagsáysay sa ínyo sing úna. As I explained to you at the beginning (before). Unáhon mo (ang) pagbúhat sang káha. Make the box first (in the first place). Unáha ang pagarádo. First do the ploughing. Unáhi siá sa pagarádo. Do your ploughing before he does his. Be before him in ploughing. Lead him in the ploughing. Sang úna nga tiémpo-. In former times-. In bygone days-.



To come out first in a competition, to outdo, excel, surpass, arrive at-, reach-, the goal first. Maunahán níya ikáw sa pagabút dídto, kay madásig siá maglakát. He will arrive there before you, for he is a quick walker. (see nahauná, úna).



(B) To have difficulties in evacuating the bowels, suffer from a hard stool or from costiveness (constipation), be costive (constipated). (see bún-a, tubúl).



First, foremost, before anything else; former, preceding, prior, previous; to do first, do before something else, go before, lead, guide, be in front. Amó iní ang úna ko nga pagbáyad. This is my first payment (instalment). Dápat ka sing úna magkarí dirí sa ákon. You should come to me first. Silíng sang ákon pagsáysay sa ínyo sing úna. As I explained to you at the beginning (before). Unáhon mo (ang) pagbúhat sang káha. Make the box first (in the first place). Unáha ang pagarádo. First do the ploughing. Unáhi siá sa pagarádo. Do your ploughing before he does his. Be before him in ploughing. Lead him in the ploughing. Sang úna nga tiémpo-. In former times-. In bygone days-.



To come out first in a competition, to outdo, excel, surpass, arrive at-, reach-, the goal first. Maunahán níya ikáw sa pagabút dídto, kay madásig siá maglakát. He will arrive there before you, for he is a quick walker. (see nahauná, úna).



(B) To have difficulties in evacuating the bowels, suffer from a hard stool or from costiveness (constipation), be costive (constipated). (see bún-a, tubúl).



To be struck speechless, to become speechless and breathless from a sudden shock, to yell or scream in sudden fear, anger or pain and lose speech and breath immediately afterwards for a short time, or even die on the spot without recovering either; to be affected with a choking fit. Ang bátà nagaalimúnaw. The child has a choking fit. Dî mo pagpaalimunáwon ang bátà. Don't give the child a choking fit. Dî mo pagbuháton inâ, kay básì magaalimúnaw siá. Don't do that, for he may get a choking fit. (see himúnaw, id. and the more common form in use).



To disappear suddenly or unexpectedly, to melt away; to vanish, be missing. Nagalimúnaw gid lang ang ákon isulúlat sa tulungtúngan sang ákon sululátan. My pen was missing from the table in my writing office. Bantayí iníng mga páhò, agúd nga índì magalimúnaw. Watch these mangoes, lest they should melt away or disappear. (see limúnaw id. and more in use).



(Sp. aceitunas) Olives.



A kind of úbi that grows to a great height, if it is kept covered with earth.



(Sp. vacuna) Cowpox, vaccine virus; to vaccinate. Sín-o ang nagbakúna sa imo? Who vaccinated you? Ginabakunáhan karón ang mga kabatáan sa mga buluthóan, kay nagapamutí. The children at school are being vaccinated at present, for there is an epidemic of smallpox. Ipabakúna ang ímo mga anák sa manugbúlung, agúd índì malátnan sang butí. Get your children vaccinated by the doctor, lest they should be infected with smallpox. Kalití ang pagpabakúna, kay ang mga nabakunáhan tumalágsa gid lámang madunggoán sang butí. Get vaccinated in time, for those that are vaccinated are rarely attacked by smallpox. (see sibít, pasibít).



A fabulous large snake or dragon believed to devour the moon at the time of an eclipse; eclipse of sun or moon. Ang búlan ginalámon, konó, sang bakunáwa. The moon, they say, is swallowed by the bakunáwa. (see eklípse).



One that has been whipped. Ang idô nga binunálan nalágyo. The dog that was whipped ran away. (búnal).



(H) Laundry, place or room where clothes are washed. (búnak).



(H) Rod, whip, stick, riding-crop, cudgel, club, cane. (burunál id. and both from búnal-to strike, beat, thrash).



That is to be-spun,-made into thread or yarn; fibre, yarn, thread. Búlak nga bulunángon. Cotton for spinning. (see bunáng).



(B) Loosely twisted or twined, having loose strands: to twine loosely. Iníng kalát bunâ. This rope is loosely twisted. Bunaá ang paglúbid sang kalát. Twist the strands of the rope loosely. (see polót, porót-firmly twisted, twined tightly).



To wash by beating water-soaked clothes. Bunáki ang panápton ko. Wash my clothes. Panápton nga binunákan. Washed clothes. Ibúnak akó sang ákon pányo. Kindly wash my handkerchief. (see labá).



Also: to beat, drub, club, thrash, punish severely. (see bákbak, tarítári, etc.).



To strike, beat, thrash, whip, flog, scourge, flagellate, birch, cane, drub, lash, swinge. Bunála siá. Thrash him. Bunáli siá sa likód. Give him a flogging on his back. Ibúnal mo akó ánay siníng bátà mo, kay nangáwat siá sing kuárta nga báli napúlò ka sentimós. Please give this child of your's a beating, for it has stolen ten centavos. Ibúnal sa kabáyo iníng símsim. Use this bamboo-branch to beat the horse with. (see hánot, lámpús, etc.).

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