Search result(s) - bagáng



To warm, to heat, make red-hot. Ginbagáng sang manugsálsal ang salsálon. The smith made the iron red-hot. Nabagáng na ang gánga. The roasting-pot is hot. Bagangá ánay ang gánga sa walâ pa ikáw magsánlag sang maís. Heat the roasting-pot first before you roast the corn. Ang gúgma nagabagáng sang íya tagiposóon. Love warms his heart. Ibagáng akó ánay sing isá ka nahót nga salsálon. Kindly make a piece of iron red-hot for me. Bagangí akó sing gánga, kay magasánlag akó sing maís. Heat a roasting-pot for me, for I am going to roast some corn. Ginabagáng siá. He is getting hot, i.e. he has fever, as a forerunner of some serious disease like smallpox, measles, etc.



(B) Five centavos, a five-centavo piece, nickel, penny. (see bakód, sinkóhon).



To let simmer, cook slowly over a low fire; to simmer, boil or bubble gently; to warm something near or at the fire. Naarangán na ang tiníg-ang? Has the cooked rice been left simmering for some time over a low fire? Iaráng mo iní sa kaláyo or paarangí iní sa kaláyo. Warm this at the fire. Ginpaarangán níya ang tinápay. She warmed the bread. Magpaaráng ka, kay matúgnaw. Warm yourself, for it is cold. Nagapaaráng siá sang íya kamót sa kaláyo. He is warming his hands at the fire. Ipaaráng mo sa sologoón ang báhaw. Let the servant warm the cold rice. (see aríng-ing, bagáng, baáng-báang, alabáab, ínit).



(B) To warm up, get warm by taking a hot drink, food, etc. Baáng-baángi ang ímo solóksolók sing diótay nga kán-on sa walâ pa ikáw magsúgud sang pagpangabúdlay. Warm your stomach with a little rice, before you start your work. Mainúm akó sing maínit nga tsa sa pagbaángbáang sang ákon solóksolók. I am going to drink hot tea to warm my stomach. Imna iníng bíno, kay magapabaángbáang sang ímo solóksolók. Drink this wine, for it will warm you up. (see bagáng).



(B) A five-centavo piece, a nickel. (see bagáng).

Oven, stove, furnace, hearth. (see bagáng, dapóg, sun-adán, dalúnghan, lulutuán).



To heat or warm near a stove or fire. Ganggangá ang kamót mo. Warm your hands. Igánggang ang tiíl mo sa kaláyo. Warm your feet at the fire. Ganggangá ang báyò mo sa kaláyo túbtub nga magmalá. Dry your jacket at the fire. Si Fuláno nagagánggang (nagapagánggang) sang íya kamót sa kaláyo. N.N. is warming his hands at the fire. Gingánggang níya ang tinápay nga dáan. He toasted the stale bread. (see bagáng, gáang, aráng, baángbáang, paínit).



To scorch, burn, heat. (see bagáng, ínit, págba).



Freq. of bagáng-to warm, heat; to inflame (a passion, or the like).



A five-centavo coin. (see sínko, bakód, bagáng).



A kind of rhinoceros beetle that is very injurious to coconut plantations, etc.; a leaf-miner.



A kind of beetle (that is very destructive to the branches of the coconut palm, etc.); a leaf-miner. (see bagángan).