Search result(s) - binukídnon



Pertaining to mountaineers, to-their speech,-their customs,-their manner of living, etc.; rude, boorish, uncultured, uncultivated, rough, uncouth, clownish; a yokel, bumpkin, clown, country lout. (see búkid, bukídnon).



Ignorant, uneducated, boorish. (see pákok, kagúng, waláy, tinón-an, dílì, maálam, binukídnon, umánhon, etc.).



The language of mountaineers or of people living in districts away from the coast-line; pertaining to that language; pertaining to the customs and manners of mountaineers; to speak that language. Nagakalaínláin ang hinaráya kag ang hiligáynon. The language of the mountains and that of Iloilo are different. Maálam ka balá maghinaráya? Do you know how to speak the dialect of the mountains? Naghinaráya siá sa ákon-or-ginhinarayáhan akó níya. He spoke to me in the mountain-dialect. Dirí siníng lugár hinaráya ang hámbal. Here in this place the mountain-dialect is spoken. (see hiniráya id.; layá, ilayá, binukídnon).



According to the language, customs and manners of people living inland or away from the sea. Iraháynon nga panghámbal. The mountain dialect. (see hinaráya, binukídnon, irayánhon).



According to the language, customs and manners of people living inland or away from the sea. Iraháynon nga panghámbal. The mountain dialect. (see hinaráya, binukídnon, irayánhon).



This letter is pronounced as in English. Variously combined with vowels it is frequently made use of in the Visayan Dialect to form adjectives, nouns and plural verbal forms, e.g. bumulúthò, pumalaháyag, kalalát-an, sululátan, isulúlat, nagilinúm silá, nagilísol silá, nagdaláyaw silá, nagailinútud silá, etc. (Búthò, paháyag, láut, sulát, inúm, ísol, dáyaw, útud, etc.).

Many terms that in Hiligáynon contain the letter "l" have the letter "r" instead in Hiniráya, or Binukídnon, e.g. walâ-warâ, ílog-írog, dalága-darága, malayô-marayô, lángsì-rángsì, etc.