Search result(s) - tinón-an



(Sp. habilidad) Ability, capacity, expertness, talent, mastery, knowledge, dexterity. Walà siá sing abilidád sa amó nga palangakóan. He has no capacity for such an office, (see kasángkul, álam, kaábtik, takús, tinón-an).



(H) Knowledge, wisdom, learning; to be or become wise, learned, to know. Walâ siá sing álam. He has no learning, has had no education. Pisáni ang pagtoón mo, agúd magálam ka. Study with application, that you may become learned or well educated. Sádto ánay walâ siá sing tinón-an, ápang karón nagálam na gid siá. Formerly he had no schooling, but now he is quite learned. Indì kamó manúgid sa íya sinâ, kay maaláman man níya sa olíhi. Don't tell him that now, for he will get to know it later on all the same. Paalámi siá. Tell him or warn him beforehand. Anó ang ímo naaláman? What do you know? What have you learned? Ginpaaláman níya kamí nga dáan nga maabút ang manugusísà sa amó nga ádlaw. We were warned by him long before, that the inspector would come on such a day. Ipaálam sa íya nga nagubâ ang táytay. Send him word that the bridge is broken down. (see kaálam, maálam, kinaálam, kinaádman, máan).



Boaster, braggart, bluffer; to boast, brag, vaunt, bluff. Daw si Búgrit ka. You are a veritable braggart. Indì ka magbúgrit (magpabúgrit). Don't boast. Indì mo pagipabúgrit ang diótay mo nga pagkasampáton. Don't brag about your little accomplishments. Ginpabúgrit níya ang diótay níya nga tinón-an. He boasted of his little learning. Indì mo siá pagpabugritán (pagbugritán). Don't boast in his presence. (see hámbug, hádak, búr-it, wákal, etc.).



Low, mean, boorish, uncultured, unrefined, ignorant. (see bukídnon, manól, burághal, bástos, waláy, tinón-an, ignoránte).



Ignorant, uneducated, boorish. (see pákok, kagúng, waláy, tinón-an, dílì, maálam, binukídnon, umánhon, etc.).



Wrestling; to wrestle, grapple, struggle, scuffle. Magdúmug-or-dúmug na kamó. Wrestle now. Start wrestling. Dumúga siá. Wrestle with him. Grapple with him. Dumúgi siá. Get him to fight a wrestling bout with you. Ang mga waláy sing tinón-an nagapáti gid silá nga kagáb-i gindúmug sang áswang si Fuláno. Silly folks actually believe that last night the evil spirit wrestled with N.N. Madámù nga mga pamatán-on ang magatámbong kon may dúmug. Many young fellows will attend if there is wrestling.



(Sp. educación) Education, instruction, training, good breeding, politeness, polished manners. Walâ siá sing edukasyón. He is lacking in good breeding. (see tinón-an, kinaálam).



(Sp. educación) Education, instruction, training, good breeding, politeness, polished manners. Walâ siá sing edukasyón. He is lacking in good breeding. (see tinón-an, kinaálam).



(Sp. ignorante) Ignorant, ignoramus, unlettered, illiterate, uncultured, unschooled, untaught, unlearned, uneducated. (see pákok, urá-is, walâ, sing, tinón-an).



(Sp. ignorante) Ignorant, ignoramus, unlettered, illiterate, uncultured, unschooled, untaught, unlearned, uneducated. (see pákok, urá-is, walâ, sing, tinón-an).

Ignorance, want of knowledge, state of being ignorant. (see toón, tinón-an).



To talk, act or display ostentatiously, show off, parade, flourish, make a bad impression on bystanders by overbearing manners, etc. Nagapairás siá. He is talking or acting in an overbearing manner. Ginpairás níya ang íya diótay nga tinón-an. He showed off his little learning. Ginpairasán níya kamí sang íya bág-o nga bísti. She proudly displayed before us her new dress. Indì ka magpairás sa ámon sang ímo tinagalóg nga hámbal. Don't make a display before us of your Tagalog way of talking. (pa, írás).



(Sp. formal), Formal, polite, proper, decent, seemly, courteous, mannerly, decorous, according to established manners or etiquette. (see ígò, ángay, dápat, maúgdang, malígdong, may, tinón-an).



(Sp. salvaje) Savage, barbarian, uncultured, uncivilized, often used as a term of contempt. (see bástos, manól, waláy, tinón-an, tórpe, ignoránte).



To learn, study, acquire knowledge, acquaint oneself with; to teach, instruct, impart knowledge. Nagtoón siá dídto sing tátlo ka túig. He studied (taught) there three years. Magtoón ka sing may kapísan. Study hard. Mind your books. Tón-i ang leksyón mo. Learn your lesson. Walâ siá sing tinón-an. He has no learning or education. Táo nga waláy tinón-an. An illiterate man. A person that lacks polite breeding. Indì mo pagipatoón ang ímo bátà sa amó nga buluthúan. Don't send your boy to that school. Pinatón-an siá dídto sang maayo nga batásan. He was taught good manners there. Patón-a siá sinâ. Make him learn (study) it. Patón-i siá sinâ. Get someone to teach him that. Sonô sang magtotóon amó man ang mga gintotón-an. As the master (is), so the disciples (are). Matámad siá magtoón. He is too lazy to study. He does not mind his books. Ginatamarán siá sa pagtoón. He is not in the humour to study (just at present). May tátlo siá ka bátà nga palatón-an. He has three children-of the legal age for attending school-whose education should be taken in hand,-who should be sent to school. (see magtotóon, gintotón-an, tinón-an, tulún-an, manunúon, túdlò).