Search result(s) - dápon



(B) To join, unite, associate with, to lay-, put-, lump,-hang-, clap-, together. Idápon mo ang ákon báka sa ímo nga karabáw sa pagpahálab. Take my cow along with your buffalo to the pasture. Dápni (dapóni) ang íya bugás sang ímo, kay íya tig-angón sa panyága. Put your rice with his, for he is going to boil it for dinner. Dinapónan kitá níla sa áton kalípay. They joined us in our merriment. Indì mo pagpadapónan ang ímo bátà sing kaupdánan nga maláut. Don't permit your child to associate with bad companions. (see ímpon, símpon, tingúb, dápò).



To do jointly with somebody else (using his tools, etc.). Nagdapón akó sang ákon talahíon sa íya nga baláy. I did my sewing together with her in her house (using her sewing machine, etc.). (see dápon).



To join, associate with, etc. See dápon.



(B) See dápon-to join, etc.



To come upon, attack, invade, approach, gather around, beset. Ang mga subáy nagdápò sa ákon. Ants invaded-, attacked-, me. Kon may patáy nga sápat ang mga idô kag úlud magadápò. When there is a dead animal, dogs and insects will gather and attack it. Dinapóan sang mga subáy ang tánga nga patáy. The dead cockroach was beset by ants. (see amág, palapít, típon, dápon).



(H) See dumalámpon. (see dámpon, dápon).



To gather, collect, bring together, join or associate with, mingle, mix, put together. Indì mo pagkariponón ang mga kabatáan nga magamáy kag dalágkù. Don't put the small children together with the big ones. Ginkaripón níla ang mga báka kag karabáw. They put the cows with the buffalloes. Kariponá silá nga tanán. Put them all together. (see símpon, dápon, upúd, abáy).



To join, mingle in (with) introduce oneself into a company. Sang pagkasúnug sang bánwa madámù nga mga makáwat ang nagsamóng sa mga táo nga nagatalábang. When the town was on fire many thieves mingled with (introduced themselves among) the men that gave their help to save. (see dápon, sulúd).