To cut lengthwise, diminish the width or breadth of, to narrow, separate a part from. Ang pagbúhin sang kalaparón sang hénero, papél, tápì, etc. ginatawág nga paggíkas. To lessen the width of cloth, paper, planks, etc. is called "paggíkas". Gikási ang papél sing duhá ka pulgáda. Cut two inches off the width of the paper. Ginikásan ko iníng papél, kay támà kalápad sa ákon makinílya. I cut this paper for it was too wide for my typewriter. Sa mahábul nga sinsél índì ka makagíkas sing maáyo sang sin. With a blunt cold chisel you cannot cut the galvanized iron well. Gikása iníng báhin sang papél. Tear off this part of the paper.
Part, bit, parcel, portion, section, fraction, division, piece taken off a whole, plot of ground divided off from a field. Isá ka gikás nga dútà. A plot of ground. Isá ka gikás nga hénero. A piece of cloth (cut from a larger piece). (see báhin).
A part that is to be separated or taken from a whole; coupon, section of a ticket. (see gikás).
To separate or cut off part of something, take off a piece. Giwáa lang ang isá ka punâ sang ímo dútà kag ibalígyà mo, kon walâ ka sing kwárta. Stake off a piece of your land and sell it, if you have no money. (see gíkas).
See gíkas, gikás, gikasón-cut lengthwise, etc.