Search result(s) - ikasaráng



Possibility, feasibility, resources, means. (see saráng).



Possibility, feasibility, resources, means. (see saráng).



Capability, capacity, power, might, influence, sway. (ákò; see palangakóan, gahúm, kagamhánan, ikasaráng).



(Sp. capaz) Capable, ingenious, clever, learned, fit, suitable. (see makaákò, batíd, sagád, sámpaton, may-igkasángkol, -ikasárang, -ikatakús).



Possibility, potentiality, practicability, feasibility. Walâ na sing kasarangán sa paglikáw sinâ. There is now no possibility of avoiding it. (see saráng, ikasaráng).

kulábus, kulabús


Insufficient, inadequate, deficient, wanting, skimpy, scant, stinted, not enough, lacking, short, too little or too small; to be insufficient, to not suffice, to come short of, etc. Kinulábus kamí sing kwárta. We were short of money. Nagkulábus ang súd-an. The side-dishes were too few or insufficient. Kulábus gid ang íya ikasaráng sa amó nga palangakóan. He has far too little ability for such an office. Kon kulabúson siá sang pálad--. If fate is against him--. If he is unlucky--. (see kabús, kúlang).



(Sp. lugar) Place, spot, station, site, location; time, opportunity, leisure, convenience, occasion; room, space, village, town, district. Sa lugár sang--. In place of, instead of--. Waáy (Wáy) lugár. There is no room or no time for it. Kon may lugár akó--. If I have an opportunity--. Sa amó nga lugár--. In that city, country, district, place, etc.--. (see doók, hilít, sítyo, tión, kahigayónan, kahigayonán, ikasaráng).



Ability, capability, power, capacity, means; to be able, capable, can. Walâ siá sing saráng sa pagbáyad sang íya útang. He hasn't the means of paying his debt. Makasaráng ka sinâ-or-masarangán mo inâ? Can you do that? Kon mga saráng, bulígi akó. If at all possible, help me. Saráng ka na makasulúd sa íya kwárto. Now you may enter his room. Walâ siá sing ígò nga ikasaráng kag ikasángkol sa amó nga palangakóan. He hasn't the proper capacity and fitness for such an office. Sang duhá ka táknà nasarangán pa nínyo ang pagtabók sa subâ, ápang karón índì na mahímò. Two hours ago you could have crossed the river, but now it is impossible.