Search result(s) - kabu



To tie, bind, lash, fasten with a rope or string. Ibángot ang karabáw sa halígi sing serádo. Tie the buffalo close to the post. Bángti (bangóti) ang halígi sang kabáyo. Tie the horse to the post. Ibángot akó sang karabáw sa halígi. Please tie the buffalo to the post for me. Ang karabáw nga nabángot sa búgsok nakabúhì. The buffalo that was tied to the stake got loose. (see higót).



Reason, motive, cause; used in the passive voice with the meaning: to place the responsibility upon, to put forward as a pretext or reason, to lay the blame upon and the like. May tungúd kag bangúd siá sa pagbúhat sinâ. He had the right and sufficient cause to do that. Ginabángdan níya akó, nga akó amó ang may salâ. He makes me responsible by saying that the fault was mine. Ginbángdan níya si Hosé sang pagkabúung sang pínggan. He laid the blame for the broken plate on José. Indì mo pagipabangúd sa ibán ang mga salâ nga ímo gid ginbúhat. Don't make others answer for the sins you have committed yourself. (see bángdan, kabangdánan).



Custom, manner, habit, practice, character, usage, ways, way of going on, use, convention. (see pamatásan, kagawián, kabuyó, kinaanáran).



(Sp. vida) Life; to live, work for a livelihood, keep oneself, maintain oneself. Anó ang ginabída mo sa tingulán? What do you do for a living during the rainy season? (see kabúhì, pangabúhì, pangítà).



To move about, be up and busy, to be stirring, to stir one self, to be active. Indì na siá makabíknol. He cannot move about any more, he is unable to do any work. Hálus na gánì siá makabíknol gíkan sa kabúdlay, balatían, katigulangón, etc. He can scarcely move any longer on account of being tired, sick, old, etc. Makabíknol pa siá maglágaw?-Indì na gid; pirme lang siá nagahígdà. Can he still walk about? Not at all; he is bed-ridden. (see tíknol, túknul).



To imprison, put in prison, jail, gaol, incarcerate, confine, lock up. Bilanggoá ang makáwat. Put the thief in prison. Binilánggò níla ang buyóng. They incarcerated the robber. Ipabilánggò mo ang tigtampálas sa mga polís. Get the police to lock up the criminal. Ang mga binilánggò. Prisoners. Ibilánggò ang nadakúp sa madalî, agúd índì makabúhì. Put the captive in jail at once, lest he should escape. Iníng baláy ginbilanggoán níla sang mga nabíhag. They confined the captives in this house. (see húnong).

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