The tree, timber and fruit of the jack-tree.
To be or do together or at the same time, be coeval or concomitant, do simultaneously or in concert, perform in unison, to synchronize. Nagadungán silá sa pagbúthò. They are going to school together. Gindungán silá sang trankáso. They had influenza at the same time. Dunganá nínyo ang kalabása kag lángkà sa paglúnud sa kólon. Put the squash and jackfruit into the kettle together. Dunganán ta ang bató sa paghákwat. Let us lift the stone all together. Dunganón ta ang paghákwat sang bató. Let us raise the stone in unison, like one man. Dunganón nínyo ang pagbángon sa buás sa pagarádo. Rise together to-morrow morning for the ploughing. (see dungán, kadúngan).
Rotten, putrid, spoilt, decaying, corrupt; soft, overripe. Dunút nga káhoy. Rotten wood. Dunút nga lángkà. An overripe jack-fruit. Dunút nga batásan. Depraved habits. (see gabúk).
To hook in, insert a hook, take hold of by means of a hook. Kawití ang sangá sang káhoy kag uyúgon mo. Get a hook on the tree-branch and shake it. Ginkaw-itán níla ang lángkà kag ginbútong túbtub nga nadágdag. They hooked the jack fruit and pulled till it fell down. (see káwit).
To take or cut off a little. Kiási akó sing kalabása, lángkà, tosíno, etc. Cut off for me a piece of squash, jackfruit, bacon, etc. (see kíyas id.).
A silly woman, etc. See lánggay, panggápángga, etc.
etc. See lángkà, lángkag, etc.
Caus. of ánok. Paanóka ang kamóti, lángkà, ságing, etc. Boil the sweet potatoes, the jack-fruit the bananas, etc. soft.
To stick together, adhere to, be stuck together by some viscous substance. Ang ákon mga túdlò nagapíkat sa tagók sang lángkà. My fingers are stuck or glued together by the juice of the jack-fruit. Nagapíkat ang matá ko sang múrì. My eye is sticky with mucus.
From pilít-to adhere to, etc. Napítlan ang íya mga túdlò sang dúgà sang lángkà. The juice of the jack-fruit stuck to his fingers.
To cook vegetables, boil legumes, prepare vegetable dishes, boil peas and beans in the pod. Toláha (toláa) ang dágmay, balúnggay, talóng, etc. Cook the dágmay, balúnggay, eggplant, etc. Tinoláhan kamí níya sing lángkà kag kadyós. She prepared for us (as a side-dish) some jack-fruit and kadyós-peas. Ipatóla sa kay Pédro ang mga patánì kag alugbáti. See to it that Peter boils the patánì-beans and the alugbáti-shoots. Náno ang áton toláhon (utánon, laswahón)? What kind of vegetable dishes shall we prepare? N.B. Toláon, toláan, etc. is often used in (B), toláhon, toláhan, etc. in (H). For boiling shelled (dry) peas and beans "lâgâ, (H), lágà, (B)" is frequently employed. (see túla, tulánhan, tinúla, útan, láswa).
To mark, sign, label (particularly said of fruit, marked by the owner, so that no one of his household may pluck it). Natús-an iníng lángkà, kay palutóon gid sang tagíya. This jack-fruit is marked, because the owner wants it to ripen well.
To cut open, cleave, cut in two, lay bare with a strong blow from an edged tool, to split with a sharp instrument. Balangkaá ang lubí. Split the coconut. Ginbalángkà níya sang binángon ang úlo ni Fuláno. With his bolo he cleft N.N.'s head. Ibalángkà akó ánay siníng duhá ka bílog nga lubí. Kindly split-, cut open-, these two coconuts for me. (see bukâ, píhak).
(B) Cut in two, halved, split asunder, cloven. Binalangkáan nga nióg (lubí). A coconut split open. Split coconut husks. (see balángkà, binalúk-an).
Place where something is split; crack, split, fissure. (see binalangkáan).
Impatience, uneasiness, weariness, worry; longing, expectancy, desire. (see lángkag).
(H) To stretch out one's hand with fingers apart, as when catching a ball, etc. Kalangkangá ang kamót mo, ang túdlò mo. Stretch out your hand, spread your fingers.