Pickled or soused fish, fish preserved in brine; to souse or salt fish with the use of a little water. Lilánga ang tabyós. Salt the tabios-fish (with the use of a little water). May linílang kamó nga tabagák? Have you got any pickled tabagac-fish? (see binóro, binódo-fish preserved in salt alone without water).
To be sludgy, muddy, slushy, wet and soft, (as mud or the like). Nagadáliang ang lúnang, lílang, etc. The mud, the pickled fish, etc, is wet and soft.
To salt, brine, steep in brine, pickle. Gámsa (gamusá) ang hípon. Salt down the hipon-fish. Gámsi (gamusí) akó sing tátlo ga gántang nga tabagák. Pickle for me three gantas of tabagac-fish. Igamús akó siníng báboy. Please salt and pickle this pork for me. Ipagamús ko sa kosinéro iníng isá ka búgsò nga kárne. I'll get the cook to salt down this piece of meat. (see asín, lílang, patís).