Rotten, rancid, bad (of coconut-meat, etc.); to be or become rotten, etc. (see lúo).
To be harsh, shrill, grating, discordant, jarring (of sounds). Ginalangisán akó sang pagbál-ag sang lagárì. The filing of the saw is grating on my ears, is setting my teeth on edge.
The disagreeable sensation produced by strident sounds, as by a saw encountering a nail or stone, etc. (langís).
Rottenness, rancidness, condition of being spoilt (of coconut-meat, copra, etc.). (langís).
Dim. and Freq. of langís. Also: To fool, humour, flatter. Indì ka maglangíslángis sa ákon-or-índì mo akó paglangislangíson. Don't try to fool or flatter me.
Harsh, grating, squeaking, setting one's teeth on edge, said of sounds like the filing of a saw, or the like. (see langís).
Incongruity, discrepancy, inconsistency, awkwardness, inharmoniousness. (see salangiság).
Aquarium, fish-pond; fishery, place for catching fish. (ísdà).
(H) Orderless, unmethodical, unsystematic, in disorder, without order, wanting coordination; to be in disorder, deranged, disarranged, without a plan, without organized or concerted action. Nagsalangiság ang paghíwat sang mga hilikotón sang íla piésta. There was no organized effort made to prepare for their feast-day.
To grin, show one's teeth. Indì ka magbangirít. Don't grin. Ginbangiritán (binangiritán) níya akó. He grinned at me. Pabangiritá siá. Make (let) him grin. A, pabangiritá lang dâ siá. Well, just let him stand grinning there. (see ngirít, lángsì, rángsì, balangisí, ngurîngúrì).
(H) A grin; to smile, grin, laugh showing one's teeth. Indì ka maglángsì. Don't grin. Indì mo akó paglangsián. Don't grin at me. Linangsián níya ang makakaládlaw nga sinúgid. He grinned at the ridiculous story. Ayáw pagsábta, kóndì langsií lang siá. Don't answer him, but simply grin at him. (see rángsì id.; ngirít, balangisí, bangirít).
A smile, simper, smirk; to smile, simper, smirk, grin, sneer, fleer. Ginpamángkot ko siá, ápang siá íya nagngurîngúrì lang nga walâ magsabát. I asked him, but he for his part only grinned and did not answer. Ginngurîngurían (Ginngurîngurián) níya akó. He smiled or grinned pleasantly at me. (see balangisí, lángsì).
(B) To grin. See lángsì, balangisí.
(B) To disagree, be at variance, confused, in disorder; disunited, inharmonious, unsystematic. Nagsarangiság ang panúgid sang mga sáksi. The witnesses contradicted one another. (see salangiság).
To disagree, be at variance, be contradictory, be inconsistent, go counter to, said of the testimony of witnesses, of reports, of accounts, etc. (see salangiság, súmpung).
Orderless, in disorder, confused, perplexed, bewildered, crazy, frantic; to be or become disordered, confused, etc. (see palág, lingín, libúg, líntong, salangiság).
To coax, persuade, flatter, wheedle, cajole, talk kindly to in order to obtain what one wants. See olóólo. (see paayónáyon, langíslángis).
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