Search result(s) - mahábul



Blunt, dull, said of edged instruments; opposed to matalúm-sharp of edge, cutting well. (hábul; talúm).



Dull, blunt, not sharp, not cutting well. (see mahábul).



Dull, blunt (of edged tools). (see hábul, mahábul, umál).



To cut lengthwise, diminish the width or breadth of, to narrow, separate a part from. Ang pagbúhin sang kalaparón sang hénero, papél, tápì, etc. ginatawág nga paggíkas. To lessen the width of cloth, paper, planks, etc. is called "paggíkas". Gikási ang papél sing duhá ka pulgáda. Cut two inches off the width of the paper. Ginikásan ko iníng papél, kay támà kalápad sa ákon makinílya. I cut this paper for it was too wide for my typewriter. Sa mahábul nga sinsél índì ka makagíkas sing maáyo sang sin. With a blunt cold chisel you cannot cut the galvanized iron well. Gikása iníng báhin sang papél. Tear off this part of the paper.



Shears, a pair of scissors; to shear, clip, cut with a pair of scissors. Guntingá ang ákon bohók. Cut my hair with a pair of scissors. Guntingí ang ákon bohók. Trim my hair with a pair of scissors. Igúnting akó ánay sang búlbul siníng karnéro. Kindly clip the wool from this sheep. Kindly shear-, fleece-, this sheep. Guntingí si tótò. Cut the little boy's hair. Mapagúnting akó sa barbéro. I am going to the barber to have my hair cut, to have a hair-cut. Sa siníng mahábul nga gúnting índì ka makagúnting sing maáyo. With this blunt pair of scissors you cannot cut well. (see alót, bulúg).



Blunt, dull, obtund, obtuse, not cutting well. (see mahábul).



Blunt; dull, blunted, dulled, worn out, useless (of edged tools, as a bolo, etc.). (see dangál, mahábul).



Blunt; dull, blunted, dulled, worn out, useless (of edged tools, as a bolo, etc.). (see dangál, mahábul).



Worn out, old, useless, of no use, unserviceable, said especially of pointed or edged iron tools. Umál nga kotsílyo. An old, useless knife. Ang binángon nga mahábul magatalúm liwán kon mabáid, ápang ang binángon nga umál índì na mamátì sa bairán, kóndì kinahánglan nga itúgyan sa manugsálsal. A blunt bolo will get sharp again, if honed, but a worn out bolo no longer answers to the hone; it must be handed over to the blacksmith. (omál id.).



Worn out, old, useless, of no use, unserviceable, said especially of pointed or edged iron tools. Umál nga kotsílyo. An old, useless knife. Ang binángon nga mahábul magatalúm liwán kon mabáid, ápang ang binángon nga umál índì na mamátì sa bairán, kóndì kinahánglan nga itúgyan sa manugsálsal. A blunt bolo will get sharp again, if honed, but a worn out bolo no longer answers to the hone; it must be handed over to the blacksmith. (omál id.).