Search result(s) - nagapa-



Mute, dumb; silent, mum, speechless; to be or become dumb. Nagapâ siá sa hinálî. He was suddenly struck dumb. Ang mga apâ nagainapâ. The dumb (deaf and dumb) talk by signs and gestures. Gininapaán akó níya. He talked to me as one deaf and dumb, (by signs and gestures). Nagainapâ gid lang si Fuláno dirâ sa higád. N.N. just keeps silent there in the corner. Naginapâ siá. He talked by signs and gestures. He said nothing. Makahibaló ikáw mag-inapâ? Do you know how to talk like the deaf and dumb? Can you converse by signs and gestures? (see ágbà).



A prefix composed of "ma" and "pa-". Sán-o mo mapabúhat ang ímo bág-o nga baláy? When shall you be able to have your new home built? "mapa-" frequently stands for "magapa-", e.g. Sán-o ka mapamanílà (magapamanílà)? When are you going to Manila? Ang mga matárung mapalángit, ang mga mamatáy sa salâ nga ikamatáy mapainpiérno. The just will go to heaven, those that die in mortal sin will go to hell. (see nagapa-, naga-, pa-).



A prefix composed of "naga-and pa-" and denoting the present tense active with the added meaning of "pa", e.g.

a.) Nagapamanílà siá. He is going to Manila, is on his way to Manila. Nagapabúkid siá. He is on his way to the mountains.

b.) Nagapabugál siá. He is proud, haughty, takes on airs. Nagapabungól siá. He is deaf to admonitions, etc., he does not want to listen. Nagapaugút siá. He is getting angry, exasperated.

c.) Nagapabúhat siá sing bág-o nga baláy. He is having a new house built. Nagapatíndog siá sing halígi. He is putting up a post. The corresponding forms for the infinitive, future and past are "pagpa-, magapa-, nagpa-, and magpa-" for the imperative.