To know, understand. Indì siá makamásngà magbása kag magsulát. He does not know how to read and write. Walâ siá sing namasngaán nahanungúd sináng mga butáng. He hasn't an inkling of those matters. (see hibaló, balintúnod, marásmas, etc.).
Understanding, intelligence, comprehension, inkling. Walâ gid siá sing naátwan. He knows nothing about it. He hasn't an inkling of it. (see áto, nabádwan, namasngaán).
Understanding, inkling, etc. See naátwan, namasngaán. (Nabádwan seems to be derived from the obsolete baló, now always hibalô).
Use, utility, usefulness; knowledge, education. Táo siá nga walâ sing namaslután. He is a worthless fellow. He knows nothing. (see pulús, águd, ásoy, nabádwan, namasngaán).
(B) Comprehension, understanding, knowledge. Walâ gid akó sing pinahoróbhórob sang íla nga sugilánon. I do not know at all what they are (were) talking about. (see namasngaán, nabádwan).
A term of contempt or of anger: Fie upon you! What a mess! Such nonsense! What folly! etc. Tsúri mo magsilíng sinâ. You are a fool to say so. Tsúri mo mangahás ka sa pagsilíng nga mapapílì ka sa pagkapangúlo-puód, singgái walâ ka sing namasngaán. What folly and audacity to say, that you will be a candidate for Provincial Governor, when you have no capacity whatsoever. (see hitsúra, súri).