Search result(s) - páhak



A piece, tear, rent, rip, split, crack, chink, fissure; torn, rent, fissured, broken, ripped, sundered, split, burst, riven, cracked. (see páhak).



To tear, rend, sunder, rip, split, burst, rive, crack. Napáhak ang ákon delárgo. My trousers were torn. Ginpáhak níya ang íya patádyong. She tore her skirt. Paháka lang iníng dáan nga tabungós, kay bularán ko sing humáy. Rip open this old tabungós-basket, for I will use it to spread and dry rice upon.



To tear, rend clothing, etc. Nabíkrat ang ákon báyò. My jacket was torn. Bikratá lang ang kóko. Simply tear the white cloth asunder. Bikratí akó sing duhá ka bára siníng hénero. Tear off for me two yards of this cloth. Ginkáptan níya akó sa likód kag biníkrat níya ang ákon báyò. He grasped me by the back and tore my coat. (see píkrat, gísì, páhak, bábha).



To tear, rend, etc. See bíkrat, páhak.



To raise, lift, heave, hoist, take up from the ground. Hakwatá iníng bató. Lift this stone. Hakwatí ang dálan sináng mga bató. Take those stones off the road. Indì siá makahákwat sináng bató, kay lakás kabúg-at. He cannot lift that stone, it is too heavy. Ipahákwat lang ináng bató nga mabahúl sa ímo nga mánong, kay ikáw índì makasaráng. Let your elder brother lift that stone, for you cannot do it. (see púlut, gíhit, ínkà, álsa, ógkat-to take up a corpse).