Search result(s) - bábha



A large rent or hole, a gaping wound, gash; to make a gash or rent. May bábha ang likód níya, kay ginlabô ni Fuláno. He has a gaping wound on the back, for he received a gash from N.N. Ginbábha níya ang báyò ko. He tore a large hole in my jacket. Ginbabhaán níya ang íya likód. He made a gaping wound in his back. Ibábha sa likód níya ang ímo binángon. Give him a gash on the back with your bolo. (see wáng-wang).



To tear, rend clothing, etc. Nabíkrat ang ákon báyò. My jacket was torn. Bikratá lang ang kóko. Simply tear the white cloth asunder. Bikratí akó sing duhá ka bára siníng hénero. Tear off for me two yards of this cloth. Ginkáptan níya akó sa likód kag biníkrat níya ang ákon báyò. He grasped me by the back and tore my coat. (see píkrat, gísì, páhak, bábha).



Wide open, large (of a wound, etc.). (see bábha, wáwha, wáng-*wang).



Wide open, gaping; to gape, be or make wide open. Wángwang nga pilás. A gaping wound. Nagawángwang ang gangháan. The door is wide open. Wangwangí ang pilás, agúd maggwâ ang nânâ. Open the wound so that the pus may flow out. (see wándang, bábha, wáwha, gísì).



A slash, gash, cut, rent, wide hole; to slash, gash, tear or rip open. Sín-o ang nagwáwha sang ákon báyò? Who tore my jacket? Binunô siá; nawáwha ang íya kílid kag bumúgway (nagbúgway) ang íya tinái. He was stabbed; his side was ripped open and his bowels protruded. (see wángwang, bábha, gísì, gíhay, etc.).