Search result(s) - púdyot



Salt; to salt. Asiní ang ísdà. Salt the fish. Iasín iníng púdyot nga asín sa manók. Season the chicken with these few grains of salt.



To sprinkle, strew, scatter, as grain, flowers or the like. Bilibóri (-ódi) ang manók sing humáy. Scatter some rice-grains to the chickens. Ibilíbod sa mungâ ang isá ka púdyot nga maís. Scatter a little corn for the hen. Binilibóran níla ang laráwan sang Mahál nga Bírhen sing madámù nga mga búlak. They strewed the statue of the Blessed Virgin with many flowers. (see bóbod, sábwag, waráwag, sábud, sáb-og).



To cover with paste or paint, to plaster, paste over, daub, smear, spread, overspread, overlay, coat. Bulíha ang sílyo sang tayóbong. Cover the stamp with tayóbong-paste. Indì mo pagbulíhon iníng papél sing pintúra. Don't daub this paper with paint. Bulíhi ang búyò sing ápog. Smear some lime on the búyò-leaf. Ibúli akó ánay siníng sóbre. Kindly put some paste on this envelope. Ibúli iníng isá ka púdyot nga ápog sa búyò. Spread this pinch of lime on the búyò-leaf. (see pálhit).



A little, small amount, trifle, bagatelle, insignificant, of little moment, of no importance. (see púdyot, diótay, tikî, ikî).



(B) A very little, a trifle, an exceedingly small amount. Kutíplong lang nga humáy ang ginhátag níya sa ákon. He gave me only a very small amount of rice. (see púdyot, kusî, tikî).



To let or order to cook only a small quantity of rice. Pahalophopá ang diótay nga bugás. Have the small measure of rice cooked. Pahalophopí akó sing bugás. Let a little rice be cooked for me. Nagpahalóphop siá sing isá ka púdyot nga bugás nga maputî sa masakít. He had a little white rice boiled for the sick person. (pa, halóphop).



Freq. of púdyot. To take up a little between the fingers, as when examining cereals, etc.



A small amount, very little, as much as two or three fingers can hold. (see púdyot, kusî, kodót).

púdyot, pudyót


A pinch, as much as one can grasp between two or three fingers; a little, a small amount; to take up (eat) with the fingers, take up a pinch or very small amount. Isá ka púdyot nga kalámay. A little sugar. A pinch of sugar. Pudyotá lang ang kán-on. Eat the rice with the fingers. (see písì, kusî, kodót).



A little, a very small amount, small quantity, morsel, scrap, mite. Isá ka pungís gid lang nga kalámay, tinápay, etc. ang ginhátag níya sa ákon. He gave me only a little sugar, bread, etc. (see diótay, kálwit, púdyot, isót, piripiási).