Search result(s) - pahúway



See pahúay-to rest, etc.



Afternoon, after dinner, evening, nightfall, eventide, decline or close of day; to be or turn evening, etc. Karón sa hápon. This afternoon or evening. Pahúway lang kamó ánay, ápang kon maghápon na dayónon nínyo ang pagdáro. Take a rest now, but when it gets towards evening continue your ploughing. (N.B. Hápon includes all the time between noon and sunset or the ringing of the Angelus-bell; after the Angelus has been rung "gáb-i" starts). (see kahápon-yesterday).



(B) End, termination; rest, interruption, pause, stop. Warâ tána ti huraráy sa sulúd kang baláy. There is no end of work for her to do in the house. (see (H) Walâ gid siá sing pahúway sa sulúd sang baláy). (see langán, puút, hinayón).



To be at rest, be at ease; be lazy or indolent. Ang íya lúyag amó gid lang ang pagpatáwhay kag pagpahanáyhánay. What he likes-is peace and comfort,-is tranquillity and ease. (see pahúway).



To rest, take a rest, rest oneself, repose, pause, enjoy a lull,-a respite. Nagapahúay na silá. They are now taking a rest. They are resting (themselves). Magpahúay silá sa paghidáit. May they rest in peace. Papahuáya ang kabáyo. Give the horse a rest. (pahúway id.).



See kapahuáyan.



To hum a tune, sing la-la, sing a lullaby. Lantoní silá kay masáut silá. Hum them a tune, for they are going to dance. Maglánton na lang kamó, kay ang mga musikó mapahúway. Just hum a tune, as the musicians are going to rest. (see lála, lánglang, láylay, yáyay).



Tranquillity, rest, pause, peace, quiet, cessation from work or trouble. (see ipótan, pasingadtoán, kapahuwáyan).



To offer, proffer, tender, afford, present, serve up, hold out to. Ginatán-ay níya ang pílak sa buút magsáylo sa íya búnghay. He is offering money to whosoever wants to join his party. Itán-ay ang kamót mo kay butangán ko sing isá ka hakúp nga dólse. Hold out your hand and I shall fill it with candies. Itán-ay ang kalípay, agúd makapahúway akó sang kalisúd. Suggest (Propose) some way of passing the time pleasantly, so that I may find some rest from my anxiety (trouble). Offer some cheerful diversion, that I may get relief from my distress. (see tányag, hátag).