Search result(s) - ripíke



A peal of bells, festive ringing of bells. May basál karón sa las dóse. There will be a full peal of bells at twelve o'clock. (see ripíke).



To ring a peal of bells. Basála ang linggánay. Ring a peal of bells. Basáli ang mga kalasálon sing makátlo. Ring three peals for the marriage couple. Binasálan níla sing masádya ang pagabút sang Senyór Obíspo. They celebrated the arrival of the Bishop by a joyful peal of bells. (see ripíke).



Bell; to ring the bells. Lingganáya ang bágting-or-bagtingá ang linggánay. Ring the bell or bells. Lingganáyi ang bulunyágan sing tátlo ka basál. Ring three peals for the baptism. (see bágting, básal, basál, rimáte, ripíke).



(Sp. remate) Termination, end, completion, conclusion, finish, stopping; the last peal of bells in bell-ringing; to end, conclude, stop, finish; to ring off. Amó iní ang íya siní nga rimáti. This is the end of it. Rimáti na iní sang bágting. This is the last (concluding) peal of bells. The bells are stopping. Rimatíha ang mga linggánay. Stop the ringing of the bells. Ring off. Narimáti na ang linggánay? Have the bells stopped ringing? Kon índì mo paggawáron ang síngsing nga naprénda mo sa ákon, pagarimatíhon ko. Unless you redeem the ring you gave me as security, I shall consider it as my own. N.B. The usual terms for bell-ringing are: bágting-bell-ringing in general; the first peal of bells; rimáti, púlut, púrut-the last or concluding peal of bells; tágsa (H), lágdà (B)-the intermittent ringing or striking of a single bell between the bágting and the rimáti. (see katapúsan, tápus, ripíke).



(Sp. repique) Chime, peal, solemn ringing of bells; to ring the bells in a solemn peal. May tátlo ka ripíke karón sa las dóse. There will be three peals of bells to-day at twelve o'clock. Ripikéhi ang mga kalasálon. Ring a peal of bells for the marriage-couple. (see basál, básal).