Search result(s) - sálud



(Sp. salud) Health. Salúd! To your health! Health!



A bamboo-vessel tied to a (clipped) severed fruit-stalk of the coconut palm for the purpose of collecting the slowly dripping tubâ; eavesdropper; intruder, meddler.



To place under, put underneath in order to catch or gather. Salúra ang tubúd. Catch the droppings in a vessel placed underneath. Salúri sing salúd ang tubúd sang swák. Hang a bamboo-vessel to catch the drops oozing from the fruit stalk of the coconut palm. Salúri akó sing ulán. Catch some rain-water for me. Isálud iníng láta sa ulán. Put this can out to catch rain-water.



A receptacle, especially the bamboo receptacle used in the collection of toddy from the coconut palms. Ang sulúd sang salúd ginawaní sang mananggéte sa íya nga dawatán. The palm-wine collector empties the contents of the vessel attached to the fruit-stalk of the coconut palm into his collecting-receptacle. (see kawít, pasók).



Sediment, dregs, lees, grounds (of liquids); the last of a series, as the very last child in a family; to form dregs, etc. Nalabúdan (-úran) ang salúd sang tubâ. The receptacle for collecting toddy is full of sediment. (see lágtok).



To sip, drink, swill, guzzle, absorb, imbibe (from an oblong, rather narrow-necked vessel, as from a pasók, salúd, bottle, etc.). Ong-ongá lang ang tubâ sa pasók, kay walâ kitá sing sukî. Just drink the toddy direct from the bamboo-tube, as we have no cup.



To sip, drink, swill, guzzle, absorb, imbibe (from an oblong, rather narrow-necked vessel, as from a pasók, salúd, bottle, etc.). Ong-ongá lang ang tubâ sa pasók, kay walâ kitá sing sukî. Just drink the toddy direct from the bamboo-tube, as we have no cup.



(H) A beater, hammer, knocker, stick, anything to strike a gong with, beat a drum with, or the like. Palatík sang bómbo. Drum-stick. Palatík sang mananggíti. The piece of split bamboo used by toddy-gatherers for scraping clean their toddy-receptacles. (After the cleaning of the "salúd" the "palatík" is struck several times against the coconut palm in order to rid it of the adhering dregs; hence the name). (see patík).



A bamboo receptacle or tube of one joint; the bottom being closed by a knot; a piece of bamboo of the length that intervenes between two knots (joints). The "pasók" attached to the fruit stalk of a coconut palm for collecting the toddy is called a "salúd"). (see tatalúbtub, bayóng, kawít).



To strike, beat, knock, knock out, force out the contents of a vessel by striking it with a stick, etc.; to strike or beat, as a gong; to knock or rap a piece of wood or bamboo used for striking or rapping, especially the piece of bamboo used by tubâ-gatherers for cleaning the salúd. The "patík" made of bamboo is split all round at one end so as to form a sort of brush. It is knocked against a branch of the coconut palm to free it of dregs. Ipatík ang ímo patík sa páklang. Beat your patík against the branch (of the coconut).



Place under a faucet, tap, pipe, or the like; any place where liquids, trickling or flowing from above, may be collected in vessels put underneath. (see sálud, salúd).



(Sp. saludar) To salute, greet. Saludahí siá. Salute him. (see támyaw, abíábi, búgno).



A bamboo-mat, square, either quite flat or, more frequently, with the edges turned up a little, used chiefly to catch the chaff when newly pounded rice is tossed in the "kalálaw" to separate the rice from the chaff. Kon táphan ang binayó isálud ang alugáyan. When you toss the rice free from the chaff, place the alugáyan underneath, (see lugáyan id.).