Search result(s) - sinántò



To harmonize, agree, be conform to, be in alignment with; to rhyme (in poetry). (see sántò, kasántò, kasinántò).



(Sp. armonia) Harmony, concord. (see sinántò, ígò, ángay, bágay, bagáy, hilóong, hilitóhog).



(Sp. justo) Just, right, proper, enough, sufficient, exact, precise. Hústo gid iní. This is quite enough, this is exactly right, this is the proper amount. Indì maghústo iní. This will not be sufficient, will not meet the requirements or the like. (see tárung, áyaw, túman, ígò, síbò, ángay, sinántò).



Meet, fit, just, proper, suitable, adapted, right; to fit, adapt, adjust, accommodate; to hit, strike, score, make a hit. Igò gid inâ. That's just the thing. Paigóon mo gid sing maáyo ang mga tápì. Adjust the boards very well. Ang íya mga batásan nagakaígò gid. His manners are just right-or-His behaviour is excellent. Paigói ang ímo baláy sing digamohán. Make a suitable kitchen for your house. Pagaigóon ko gid siá. I shall certainly hit him. Makaígo ka sináng píspis dirâ sa sangá sang káhoy? Can you hit that bird there on the branch of the tree? Madámù ang naígò sang mga lisó sang lúthang. Many were hit by rifle-bullets. Iigò sa íya iníng bató. Hit him with this stone. Walâ níya akó pagigóa. He did not hit me. (see síbò, ángay, sinántò).



Meet, fit, just, proper, suitable, adapted, right; to fit, adapt, adjust, accommodate; to hit, strike, score, make a hit. Igò gid inâ. That's just the thing. Paigóon mo gid sing maáyo ang mga tápì. Adjust the boards very well. Ang íya mga batásan nagakaígò gid. His manners are just right-or-His behaviour is excellent. Paigói ang ímo baláy sing digamohán. Make a suitable kitchen for your house. Pagaigóon ko gid siá. I shall certainly hit him. Makaígo ka sináng píspis dirâ sa sangá sang káhoy? Can you hit that bird there on the branch of the tree? Madámù ang naígò sang mga lisó sang lúthang. Many were hit by rifle-bullets. Iigò sa íya iníng bató. Hit him with this stone. Walâ níya akó pagigóa. He did not hit me. (see síbò, ángay, sinántò).



Meet, proper, fit, decent. Dílì gid sahô nga--. It is certainly not proper that--. Nagasahô iníng duág (antióhos) sa ákon (mga) matá. This colour (These glasses) suits (fit) my eyes. (see ígò, ángay, sinántò).



To agree, be conform to, harmonize; to rhyme (in poetry). (see kasántò, sinántò).



Ill-fitting, out of alignment, at odds, at variance, contradictory, disagreeing; to be out of harmony, disagree, etc. Nagasorolísas iníng mga sinúgid; tungúd siná índì akó magpáti. These stories are contradictory; therefore I will not believe them. Tungúd kay walâ sing kasapulán ang íla bádù amó nga nagsorolísas ang mga hímos níla. For the reason that they had come to no agreement about their banquet, their preparations were at cross purposes. (see taláng, tálang, sayúp, dílì, sinántò, dílì, ígò, dílì, hilitóhog, etc.).



See kasántò.