Search result(s) - tuáng



Partner, companion, mate, helper, assistant; second godparent (godfather, godmother) at baptism; to be or become a partner, etc.; to bear or lend a hand, take a hand in, help, assist, aid, second. Sín-o ang tuáng mo? Who is your-companion?-assistant?-mate?-helper? May tuáng balá? Will there be (Has there been) a second godparent? Tuangí akó siníng tabungós nga nasúdlan sang lâgaón, kay dál-on ko sa sulúd. Lend me a hand to lift this basketful of beans, for I want to carry it inside. Kon walâ siá matuangí sang amó nga kabúg-at nga sáko, walâ níya madalá sa ibábaw sang baláy. If no one had helped him-, Without help-, he could not have carried that heavy sack upstairs. Ipatuáng ko sa íya si Hosé. I'll get Joseph-, I'll send for Joseph-, to help him. Pangitáan ko ikáw sing tuáng. I'll find you an assistant. (see tímbang, búlig, tábang, sáang, kaluyó).



Balance, equilibrium, poise, counterpoise, counter-balance, equivalent; partner, help, assistant, mate; to balance, be a partner, to help, assist, lend a hand. Itímbang iníng mga páhò sa kamóti. Balance the sweet potatoes with these mangoes. Timbangá ang ímo lúlan. Balance your load. Timbangí siá sa paggíhit sang lamésa. Lend him a hand at moving the table. May tímbang ikáw? Have you a partner or mate? Magtímbang sa atubángan sang baláy may duhá ka akásya. In front of the house there are (were) two acacia-trees (one on each side). Ang ákon ginbakál nga damáso tímbang (sang) písos. The silk thread I have bought is equal in weight (not cost) to a silver peso. (see tuáng, búlig).



To carry on a pole across the shoulder, balance on a pole. Tuángtuángan mo iníng duhá ka bakág. Carry these two baskets on a pole across your shoulder. (see tuáng, yáyong, pás-an).



A carrying (carrier's) pole, usually a strong piece of split bamboo. It is slightly curved, broadest in the middle and tapering towards the two notched or (and) pegged ends. (see píngga, tinggáhan).



Curved, bent, crooked, said especially of a carrier's pole; to be or make curved, to curve, bend. Hilókhilóka ang tuangtuangán túbtub nga magbángkong. Bend the carrier's pole till it stays curved. Ginbángkong níya ang íya tuangtuangán. He curved his carrying-pole. (see tikô, likô, balikô, balitók).



To bend, curve, incline, deflect, flex, arch, bow. Hálba ang ímo husáy, agúd mahapús nga hilókon. Heat your comb, that it may be easy to bend. Abáw, índì gid mahílok ang láwas níya, kay lakás kabáskug. Why, one cannot bend his body, for he is too strong (or too stiff). Hilóki akó siníng hilimoón ko nga tuangtuangán. Bend for me this piece of bamboo which I am going to make into a carrier's pole. (see tikô).



Dim. and Freq. of hílok. Hilókhilóka ang tuangtuangán túbtub nga magbángkong. Bend the carrier's pole again and again till it becomes properly curved. Ginhilókhílok níya ang bastón nga tikô túbtub nga magtádlung. He bent back the crooked stick till at last it remained straight.



To toil, drudge, work hard at, fag, moil, labour, struggle. Nagahiwág-os siá sa pagdáro, sa pagtuángtúang, etc. He toils at the plough, at carrying goods on his shoulders, etc. (see hágò, patáypátay, putóypútoy).



Dim. of láki. Also: A piece of bamboo tied firmly to a weak or broken carrier's pole, in order to strengthen it; splints for a broken limb. May lakíláki ang íya nga tuángtuangán. His carrier's pole is strengthened by an added piece of bamboo.



To move up and down, swing up and down, sag, yield, be resilient, bend, applied to a carrier's pole and the burden he carries, etc. Nagalúbiok ang íya tuangtuangán, kay mabúg-at ang íya kárga. His carrier's pole is bending, for his load is heavy. Palubioká ang ímo tuangtuangán, kay daw mamág-an ang dalá mo kon maglúbiok. Make your pole resilient, for the load seems lighter if it is yielding. Indì kamó magpúngkò nga madámò dirâ kay nagalúbiok ang bánkò. Don't so many of you sit down there, where the bench is yielding or sagging.



Pole, bar, stick; to carry on a pole. (see tíngga, tinggáhan, tuángtuangán).



To swing or shake to and fro as a basket carried on a pole. Nagatabúltabúl ang bakág sa tuangtuangán. The carrier's basket swings (is swinging) to and fro on the pole. (see tawóltawól).



Pole, rod, staff, stick, carrying pole; to carry on a pole. Tinggahá lang ang sáko kag bakág. Carry the sack and the basket on a pole. Tinggahí nínyo ang tabungós. Carry the tabungós basket between you on a pole. Patinggahá si Hosé siníng (Ipatíngga sa kay Hosé iníng) duhá ka búlig (nga ságing). Order José to carry (See to it that José carries) these two bunches of bananas (slung to a pole on his shoulders). (see píngga, tuángtúang, yáyong).



A carrying pole. (see píngga, tuángtuangán).



To bear-, carry-, transport-, something between two or more persons (on a pole, or the like); transportation, etc. by means of a stretcher, etc. Ginayayóngan níla ang minatáy. They are bearing the corpse. Ginyayóngan siá níla sa dúyan. They carried him in a hammock. (see tíngga, píngga, tuángtúang).