Balance, equilibrium, poise, counterpoise, counter-balance, equivalent; partner, help, assistant, mate; to balance, be a partner, to help, assist, lend a hand. Itímbang iníng mga páhò sa kamóti. Balance the sweet potatoes with these mangoes. Timbangá ang ímo lúlan. Balance your load. Timbangí siá sa paggíhit sang lamésa. Lend him a hand at moving the table. May tímbang ikáw? Have you a partner or mate? Magtímbang sa atubángan sang baláy may duhá ka akásya. In front of the house there are (were) two acacia-trees (one on each side). Ang ákon ginbakál nga damáso tímbang (sang) písos. The silk thread I have bought is equal in weight (not cost) to a silver peso. (see tuáng, búlig).
To weigh, measure the weight of; to balance (in one's mind), consider, reflect, ponder. Gintímbang níya ang mga katarúngan sa pihák kag sa pihák. He balanced the arguments of (on) both sides. (see timbángan).
(Sp. balance) Balance; equilibrium, symmetry, equipoise; to balance, poise; to shift, change, transfer from place to place, arrange methodically, so as to have symmetry or equilibrium, to keep in equipoise. Ginabalánse na liwán ang mga Párì sang diósesis sa Háro. The priests of the diocese of Jaro are again being shifted or transferred from one place to another. Indì mo pagbalansehón ang mga galamitón sa sála. Do not shift the furniture in the drawing-room. Ginbalánse níla ang mga balalígyà. They shifted their wares or removed them from their customary places and put them up somewhere else in the shop. (see tímbang, timbángtímbang).
Freq. of tímbang. Also: a counterpoise, counterweight, balance; to balance, apply a counterweight; to manage with prudence. (see panimbángon).
Dim. of panímbang. Sa but-ánan nga pagpanimbángtímbang matáwhay na ang íya pangabúhì. By careful management he can now pass his days free from anxiety. If he manages wisely (If he is a wise, prudent, administrator), he can now live at ease.
(Sp. pesar) To weigh, have weight, find the weight of. Pesará ang kalámay. Weigh the sugar. Napesár (Ginpesár) na nínyo ang tátlo ka sáko nga kópras? Have you weighed the three sacks of copra? Pesarí siá sing napúlò ka kílo nga kapé, kay báklon níya. Weigh him out ten kilos of coffee, for he is going to buy them. (see tímbang).
To run or stretch side by side or parallel; mate or partner, said of draught animals, etc. Saángi ang karabáw, kay mabúg-at ang káro. Add another buffalo (Hitch up at the side of the buffalo another one), for the cart is too heavy. Nagasáang iníng duhá ka búkid. These two mountains run parallel to each other. May sáang ang báka ukón walâ? Has the ox a mate or is he alone? (see tímbang, kaluyó).
Dim. and Freq. of tímbang. Also: to ponder well, reflect upon, think over, consider.
Partner, companion, mate, helper, assistant; second godparent (godfather, godmother) at baptism; to be or become a partner, etc.; to bear or lend a hand, take a hand in, help, assist, aid, second. Sín-o ang tuáng mo? Who is your-companion?-assistant?-mate?-helper? May tuáng balá? Will there be (Has there been) a second godparent? Tuangí akó siníng tabungós nga nasúdlan sang lâgaón, kay dál-on ko sa sulúd. Lend me a hand to lift this basketful of beans, for I want to carry it inside. Kon walâ siá matuangí sang amó nga kabúg-at nga sáko, walâ níya madalá sa ibábaw sang baláy. If no one had helped him-, Without help-, he could not have carried that heavy sack upstairs. Ipatuáng ko sa íya si Hosé. I'll get Joseph-, I'll send for Joseph-, to help him. Pangitáan ko ikáw sing tuáng. I'll find you an assistant. (see tímbang, búlig, tábang, sáang, kaluyó).
Balancing, poising, keeping the balance or equilibrium; pertaining to the opposition, opposing, opponent. Ang búnghay nga tumilímbang. The opposition party. (see tímbang).
Balance, scales, weighing machine, steelyard, beam, spring balance, scales for weighing; a constellation of stars.
To divide into shares or portions, to portion out, (particularly said of meat or fish for sale); to ponder or weigh well, think it over. Bakìbakíon mo ang ímo buót agúd índì ka matám-an sang kalisúd. Ponder or consider everything well that you may not be overwhelmed with difficulties. Bakîbakía ang kárne, ísdà, etc. Divide the meat, fish, etc. into portions (of about equal size), (see báhin, huláy, párti, timbángtímbang, sibôsibò, bìnágbínag, katákáta).
(H) Face, facial expression, mien, visage, countenance; aspect; cheek; audacity, temerity, shame. Ang íya guyá maitúm. His face is black. Kon magkádlaw siá ang duhá níya ka písngi nagapakítà sang magtímbang nga yupúk sang íya guyá nga makawiwíli tulúkon. When she smiles her two cheeks dimple in a way pleasant to look upon. Si Fuláno may guyá sa pagbutángbútang sa íya sa likód kag waláy guyá sa pagutís sa íya sa atubángan. N.N. has the face to slander him behind his back and is not ashamed to flatter him in his presence. (see pangguyáhon, nawóng, uyahón, guyahón).
An addition of one or more rooms to a house with corresponding extension of the roof, an extension, a lean-to. Also used as a verb. Padorósi ang ímo baláy sing duhá ka padóros magtímbang sa toó kag sa walá. Add two wings to your house, one to the right and one to the left. Ang kalabánan sang mga padóros siníng bánwa naátpan sing lángkob. Most of the lean-toes in this town are roofed with split bamboo.