Sweetishness; to grow sweetish, be somewhat sweet; to be or become mawkish, nauseous, sickly (particularly said of things that taste unnaturally sweet). (see tám-is).
Sweetish, rather or slightly sweet, less sweet than matám-is. (yám-is).
Piquancy, raciness, tastiness; to be piquant, tasty, stimulating, giving zest (of fruit, etc.); to be brackish, nauseous, salty, unpalatable, sweetish (of water). Natayamán akó siníng páhò. I find this mango delicious (piquant, luscious). Walâ kamí paginúm sang túbì sinâ nga bobón, kay matayám. We never drink the water from that well, for it is brackish. (see námit, námì, dálig, yágsim, yám-is).