Search result(s) - yúpyup



A whiff of smoke, of opium, etc.; to inhale, suck in, imbibe. Isá ka yúpyup sang asó sang tabákò. A whiff of tobacco smoke. Palayúpyup siá sang ápyan (apyán). He is an opium smoker. Indì kamó magyúpyup sing ápyan, kay maláin inâ sa láwas páti sa kalág. Don't smoke opium, because it is bad both for body and soul. (see súyup, sópsop).



To suck (one's finger, etc.). Indì ka magdámlot, kay maláw-ay. Don't suck your finger, it is unbecoming. Indì mo pagdamlotón ang ímo túdlò, kay mahígkò nga batásan inâ. Don't suck your finger, for it is a dirty habit. (see yúpyup, súyup, sópsop, lótgot).



To sip, sup, suck up (with the lips). Higópa lang ang sabáw. Just sip the sauce. Higópi lang ang sabáw. Have a sip at the sauce. (see sópsop, súyup, yúpyup).



To suck, be suckled, imbibe. Ang tínday nagalápgot sing gátas, ang báka ginalapgotán sang íya nga tínday. The calf is sucking. The cow is suckling her calf. (see lótgot, súpsup, súyup, hígup, yúpyup).



To suck the fingers, put a finger into one's mouth. Ang bátà nagangólngol sang íya túdlò. The baby is sucking its finger. Ipangólngol ang ímo túdlò sa bátà nga nagahibî. Give the crying baby your finger to suck. Indì mo pagngolngolón ang ímo kamomóo. Don't put your thumb into your mouth. (see lótgot, sópsop, súyup, yúpyup).



To sip or suck through a small aperture or tube, or the like; to absorb, imbibe, suck up. Suyúpa ang butóng. Sip the coconut milk. Ginsúyup níya ang ítlog nga hiláw. He sucked the raw egg. Ipasúyup sa bátà iníng gátas. Let the baby suck this milk. Suyúpa ang túbo túbtub nga maggwâ ang túbig. Suck the (air out of the) pipe till the water flows. (see súpsup, sópsop, hígop, yúpyup, sírib, láklak).



To suck. Ang bátà nagatákmò sa íya ilóy. The baby is sucking the breast of its mother. Nakatákmò gid lang iníng bátà sing makaisá kag napatáy. This baby sucked milk once and died. (see sópsop, súyup, sóso, yúpyup).



To sip, suck, imbibe, absorb, drink in small draughts, draw in with the mouth. Turosá lang ang ítlog sa olokabá. Just suck the egg from its shell. Sín-o ang nagturós sang sabáw? Who has been sipping the sauce? (see hígop, sópsop, súyup, yúpyup, lótgot, sóso).



Opium. Indì ka magyúpyup sang apián, kay maláin inâ sa láwas páti kalág. Don't smoke (literally "suck in") opium, for it is bad for body and soul. Manugsiò sang apián. An opium-smoker, opium-eater. (see apyán id.).