Search result(s) - hígop



To sip, sup, suck up (with the lips). Higópa lang ang sabáw. Just sip the sauce. Higópi lang ang sabáw. Have a sip at the sauce. (see sópsop, súyup, yúpyup).



To sip, suck or draw in liquids noisily as ducks and other large-billed birds. Ang bíbi nagahókhok sang túbig. The duck sips water noisily. (see hígop, sópsop, súyup, láklak).



To sip or suck through a small aperture or tube, or the like; to absorb, imbibe, suck up. Suyúpa ang butóng. Sip the coconut milk. Ginsúyup níya ang ítlog nga hiláw. He sucked the raw egg. Ipasúyup sa bátà iníng gátas. Let the baby suck this milk. Suyúpa ang túbo túbtub nga maggwâ ang túbig. Suck the (air out of the) pipe till the water flows. (see súpsup, sópsop, hígop, yúpyup, sírib, láklak).



To sip, suck, eat, take food. (see súyup, hígop, káon).



To sip, suck, imbibe, absorb, drink in small draughts, draw in with the mouth. Turosá lang ang ítlog sa olokabá. Just suck the egg from its shell. Sín-o ang nagturós sang sabáw? Who has been sipping the sauce? (see hígop, sópsop, súyup, yúpyup, lótgot, sóso).



Thin molasses, syrup, treacle; to thicken to the consistency of syrup or treacle. Naglasáw na ang inutús. The pressed out juice of the sugar cane has thickened to syrup. Ginlasáw níla ang inutús. They made syrup of the sugar cane juice. Malúyag ka maghígop sing lasáw? Do you like to sip treacle or syrup? (see inutús, pulút, asúkar, kalámay).