Search result(s) - inutús



The expressed juice of the sugar-cane. Pabukalá ang inutús. Boil the sugar-cane juice. (see utús, íntus).



The expressed juice of the sugar-cane. Pabukalá ang inutús. Boil the sugar-cane juice. (see utús, íntus).



(Sp. almibar) Thin, freely-flowing molasses in the initial stage of the process of sugar-milling. 1.) inutús-the watery juice squeezed out of the sugar-cane. 2.) arníbal-very thin molasses containing much water. 3.) lasáw-thickening molasses, syrup of the consistency of light honey. 4.) pulút-thick molasses nearing the stage of crystallization or hardening. The pulút, very sticky and viscous, is taken from the cauldron and put into troughs, where by cooling and stirring it slowly hardens or crystallizes to the finished, but unrefined, product of sugar. This last stage of the process of sugar-milling is called "pagasúkar sang pulút"-"to turn the pulút into sugar". See under asúkar. 5.) asúkar, kalámay-sugar.



(H) The juice of the sugar cane. (see inutús).



(H) The juice of the sugar cane. (see inutús).



Bagasse, crushed sugar cane. (see bagáso, siápò, íntus, inutús).



Bagasse, crushed sugar cane. (see bagáso, siápò, íntus, inutús).



Thin molasses, syrup, treacle; to thicken to the consistency of syrup or treacle. Naglasáw na ang inutús. The pressed out juice of the sugar cane has thickened to syrup. Ginlasáw níla ang inutús. They made syrup of the sugar cane juice. Malúyag ka maghígop sing lasáw? Do you like to sip treacle or syrup? (see inutús, pulút, asúkar, kalámay).



To extract, express, press or force out by crushing (as the juice of sugar cane, or the like). (see inutús, íntus).



To extract, express, press or force out by crushing (as the juice of sugar cane, or the like). (see inutús, íntus).



(Sp. yunque) Anvil, smithy; a percolator for straining sugar cane juice (inutús, íntus) previous to boiling it. (see landasán, salaán).



Parcel, packet, package, bundle. (putús; see píntos id.; binágtong).



(B) To bundle together, to wrap up in one's apron or other convenient part of one's dress. Bagtongá ang tinápay. Wrap up the bread (in your apron, the lower part of your skirt, etc.). Bagtongí ang tampíon mo sang tinápay. Wrap your apron around the bread. Wrap the bread up in your apron. Binágtong-a bundle. N.B. A binágtong is always wrapped up in, and somehow fastened to, one's dress, as an apron, the lower part of the skirt, a loose jacket, etc.; if a bundle is entirely separate from the body, it is not called a binágtong, but pinutús; in Hiligáynon, however, binágtong and pinutús are often used promiscuously. (see bántal).



To bind, fasten, lash, knot, tie with a knot. Balighotá ang písì, dílì mo pagbaloón. Fasten the cord with a knot, not with a loop or bow. Ibalíghot iníng písì sa pinutús. Tie the parcel with this string. Ibalíghot mo akó siní. Bind this for me. Ang pílak íya binalighotán sang íya pányo. He tied the money in his handkerchief. (see higót, balô).



A slip-knot, running knot, noose, a bow; to tie in a loop or bow, so as to make it easy to open. Baloá ang paghigót. Tie with a slip-knot. Ibalô akó ánay siníng pinutús. Kindly tie up this parcel for me in a noose.



To rummage, etc. See balúkhay id. Baluskayá ang ímo korbáta sa baúl. Search for your tie in the trunk. Sín-o ang nagbalúskay sangákon pinutús?-Ang ímo pinutús ginbaluskayán (binaluskayán) sang mánghud mo sa pagusísà kon may binakál ikáw nga dólse. Who rummaged my parcel?-Your parcel was searched by your younger brother to find out whether you had bought some sweets.



Bulky, cumbersome: to be awkward to carry on account of size or shape, though light in weight. Nagbáng-kag ang pinutús, kay naghugák ang íya nga higót. The parcel became awkward to carry, because its string came loose.



(H) A parcel, package, bundle, anything wrapped up in an apron, skirt, blanket, etc. (see bágtong, pinutús).



To carry in one's hand (a handbag or the like). Bitbitá ang pinutús. Carry the parcel in your hand. Bitbití akó sing duhá ka láta nga salmón kag maglakát kitá. Take along for me in your hand two tins of salmon and let us go. Ibítbit akó ánay sang ákon sapátos. Kindly carry my boots in your hand. (see dalá).



A bundle, parcel, fagot, faggot, bale, package, anything tied together with a string; to tie, bind together, fasten with a string, make a bundle or parcel of. Bugkosá ang písì, káhoy, pinutús, etc. Tie the rope, the wood, the parcel, etc. Bugkosi akó sing káhoy nga pilá ka nahót. Make me a bundle or fagot of a few sticks of wood. Ibúgkos akó sang ákon kwárta sa ímo nga pányo. Please, tie up my money in your handkerchief. Gatóng nga binugkosán. Firewood made up in fagots or bundles. Ang isá ka búgkos nga káhoy, kawáyan nga liníyas, tubó, tabákò, etc. A bundle of wood, of split bamboo, of sugar-cane, of tobacco-leaves, etc. (see bágtong, putús, binágtong, pinutús).

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