Search result(s) - boy-ónan



To cook fish, meat, etc. in very little water mixed with vinegar and various spices. The concoction (inon-onán) is usually served with little or no sauce. On-oní ang ísdà. Cook the fish in the ón-on way. Isdà nga inon-onán. A dish of highly seasoned fish.



To cook fish, meat, etc. in very little water mixed with vinegar and various spices. The concoction (inon-onán) is usually served with little or no sauce. On-oní ang ísdà. Cook the fish in the ón-on way. Isdà nga inon-onán. A dish of highly seasoned fish.



To make or get strong, firm, solid, to strengthen, reinforce, brace, stiffen. Pag-oná ang baláy mo. Strengthen your house. Nagpág-on siá sang íya baláy. He made his house strong. Nagpág-on na ang íya baláy, kay ginkaáyo sang pánday. His house is now strong for it was repaired by the carpenter. Ginpág-on nilá ang íla nga kabubút-on. They made up their minds firmly. Napag-onán akó siníng baláy. This house seems strong to me. (see líg-on).



(H) The anus; lavatory, privy, water closet (W.C.), jakes, places, latrine. (see pús-on, pamús-on, kalipunát, lubô, komún).





To cover with sand and earth, to bar the flow of a water-course in order that the earth and sand carried along by a flood may accumulate behind the weir (levee, dam, dyke) and so raise the level of the water or divert the flood to another channel. Ginpalay-onán níla ang sapâ. They built a weir across the brook.



(Sp. fianza) Surety, bail, bond, guarantee, security. Mangítà ka sing piánsa. Find bail. (see kalig-onán).



(Sp. firmar) Firm, firm-name; signature, sign manual; to sign, subscribe, put one's signature to. Walâ pa siá makapírma, kay may kasablágan siá. He has not been able to sign yet, for he has been detained (occupied, engaged, busy with something else, prevented or impeded). Pirmahí iní. Sign this. Put your signature to this. Napirmahán na balá ang kalig-onán? Is the document signed? Has the document (deed) been signed?



(Sp. recibo) Receipt, deed; to make out a receipt or deed. Resibóhi ang ákon ginbáyad sa ímo. Make out a receipt for what I have paid you. Ginresibóhan níya ang dútà nga ákon ginprénda sa íya. He made out a deed for the land I mortgaged to him. (see kalig-onán, dokuménto).

tituló, título


(Sp. título) Title; heading; epithet, claim, right, warrant. (see diplóma, pamúnò, kamunóan, hayô, katarúngan, kalig-onán, tungúd, bangúd).

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