(B) To wind and double yarn or thread on a reel. Alon-oná iníng isá ka ágpang nga bunáng. Wind up and double this hank of yarn. Iníng bunáng alon-onón (ialón-on) ko sa alon-onán. This yarn I am going to wind up and pair on the doubling-machine. Ialón-on mo akó ánay siníng bunáng. Kindly double this yarn for me on the doubling machine.
(B) A device for winding up and doubling or pairing yarn for weaving purposes, a doubling-machine or doubling-reel.
(Sp. ano) Anus. (see kalipunát, kilipután, palamus-ónan).
(Sp. bacín) Basin; chamber pot, stool. (see sulúdlan (síya) nga-palangihián-palamus-ónan).
(B) One with a fat or protuberant stomach, pot-bellied; big with child, pregnant. (see boy-ónan).
See bóy-on, boy-ónan.
(Sp. diploma) Diploma; bull, patent, credential, title, testimonial. (see título, kalig-onán, pasálig, pamatúod).
(Sp. documento) Document, paper, deed, record. (see kalig-onán).
(Sp. escrito) Writing, written document, writ, brief, deed. (see sulát, kasulátan, kalig-onán).
(Sp. escrito) Writing, written document, writ, brief, deed. (see sulát, kasulátan, kalig-onán).
To buy up, buy wholesale, contract for all that is for sale. Ginhág-on ko ang íya ságing. I bought up his bananas. Ginhag-onán ko siá sang tanán níya nga ságing. I made a contract with him for all his bananas. Ihág-on akó sang íya kamóti. Kindly buy up for me his sweet potatoes. Ipahág-on mo sa ákon ang ímo kalámay, índì mo ánay pagibalígyà sa ibán. Let me have all your sugar; don't sell it to others. (see ságib).
(B) To know where to look for or lay one's hand on a thing, take from a known place. Himat-oní lang ang mga ságing dirâ sa aparadór. Just take the bananas there in the cupboard. Makahimát-on ka balá sang tinápay dirâ sa bakág sa ákon kwárto? Can you find the bread there in the basket in my room? Gintágò ko ang mamón sa baúl, ápang hinimat-onán gid sang mga bátà. I had the cake hidden in the trunk, but still the children knew where to find it. (see matá).
A dish of fish or meat mixed with vinegar, various spices or ingredients, etc., but with little or no sauce; a dish of mixed vegetables, salad. (see ón-on).
A dish of fish or meat mixed with vinegar, various spices or ingredients, etc., but with little or no sauce; a dish of mixed vegetables, salad. (see ón-on).
Anus. (see kalipunát, kagalán, palamus-ónan, kilipután).
Anus. (see kalipunát, kagalán, palamus-ónan, kilipután).
See kalíg-on. Also: Security, bond, bail, anything that makes for stability or freedom from danger and apprehension.
See kapág-on. Also: Things that are stable or give stability.
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