To watch, guard, see to, pay attention to, supervise, attend to, as mothers to their children, shepherds to their flocks, hosts to their visitors, etc. Ang bakéro nagaalingá sang mga karabáw. The cowherd is tending the buffaloes. Alingahá ang ímo mga bátà. Look after your children. Indì akó makahalín, kay nagaalingá akó sang akón mga bisíta. I cannot get away, because I have to attend to my visitors. Ialingá akó ánay sang ákon mga eskuéla. Kindly watch my pupils or my classroom for a while. (see bántay, libáng, alimá).
A step, rung or round of a ladder; a stair of a flight of stairs or of a staircase; to do something step by step, leisurely, with pauses, with delays, interruptions or intervals. Ang hágdan sang ámon baláy may napúlò ka alintagá. The ladder of our house has ten steps. Indì ka magalintagá kon magsúgid ka sinâ sa íya, kóndì dayúnon mo gid ang ímo paghámbal. Don't use broken, hesitating language, when you recount that to him, but tell him what you have got to say in a coherent manner. Ginalintagá níla ang pagpatíndog sang baláy. They built the house slowly, step by step. (see halíngtang, halíntang id.).
Care, attention, caution; to handle with care, to guard well or be careful with. Amligí ang bág-o nga kínke. Handle the new lamp with care. Ginamligán níya ang íya panápton, agúd índì mabulingán. He was careful with his clothes, lest they should become soiled. Iámlig akó ánay siní. Please take care of this for me. Paamligán mo sa íya ang mga báso, agúd nga dílì mabúong. Tell him to handle the glasses with care, lest they should be broken. Ipaámlig sa íya ang tanán nga mga galamitón sa baláy. Let him look carefully after all the furniture in the house. (see ándam, kaámlig, mainamlígon).
To practise, exercise, accustom to, train, break in, perform regularly or habitually. Anára ang batásan mo nga dílì ka na magpamuyáyaw. Try to get the habit of not using profane language-or-acquire the habit of not cursing and swearing. Naánad na akó dirí siníng lugár. I am now accustomed to this place. Indì akó maánad siníng lugár. I cannot accustom myself to this place. Naanáran-or-naándan ko na iníng lugár. I am now familiar with-, accustomed to-, this place. Ipaánad ko sa ímo iníng karabáw nga simarón. I'll hand this wild buffalo over to you to be trained or tamed. Magpaánad ka siní nga trabáho. Try to exercise-, practise-, accustom yourself to-, this kind of work (see hánas, ságad, batíd).
Caution, wariness, carefulness, prudence, circumspection; to be cautious, to beware, to be careful, wary, circumspect. Andamá ang pagkapút sang báso, agúd índì makapalús sa kamót mo. Grasp the glass carefully, lest it should slip out of your hand. Andamí iníng báso. Handle this glass with care. Paandamí sa íla iníng karabáw, kay palasúngay. Let them beware of this buffalo, for it tosses. Iándam akó ánay siníng báso. Kindly take care of this glass for me. Inandamán níla gid ang síngsing, agúd índì madúlà. They were very careful with the ring, lest it should be lost. Ipaándam ko sa ímo iníng taknáan. I entrust this watch to your care. Andam ka! Beware! Be on your guard! Look out! (see anám-anám, tagám).
The definite article: The. Ang baláy. The house. Ang káhoy. The tree or wood. In many instances the Visayan language uses the definite article where it is left out in English, e.g. Ang Diós, ang lángit, ang pagkaláwat, ang bádlis, ang Manílà, ang Ameriká, ang pagkalipát, etc. God, heaven, Communion, Extreme Unction, Manila, America, forgetfulness, etc. (see si).
(Sp. arriesgar) In the Visayan language this term has almost completely lost its original meaning "to risk, dare, venture" and now commonly signifies: to gain, make a profit, derive a pecuniary advantage from various enterprises, to make a bargain, buy, purchase. Nakaarísgal akó sa ákon punút sing isá ka gatús ka mángmang. I had a clear profit of one hundred pesos from my fish-trap. Mangarísgal akó. I am looking out for money, for something to yield me a profit. Arisgalí akó sing kálò. Get me a hat. Buy me a hat (at a bargain). (see patikáng, pangítà).
A discussion, disputation, debate, a literary entertainment, poetical competition, meeting, where the conversational language is preferably a native dialect. (see bágtas).
To throw, fling, hurl, cast, pitch, chuck, toss, send at, pelt, stone. Balánga siá sing bató. Throw a stone at him. Ginbálang níla ang haló sing mga bató. They pelted the iguana with stones. Balángi ang amô sing tinápay. Toss some bread to the monkey. Ibálang iníng bató sa báboy. Throw this stone at the pig. (see habóy, pilák).
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