Search result(s) - mahínay



To put one's arms under another's back, let another recline on one's arms, to support or carry in the arms (putting one arm under a person's back and one under the knees, as is often done in taking up a sleeping baby, lifting a sick person, a corpse, or the like). Ginsál-ay ni María Santísima ang bángkay sang Aton Ginóo. The Blessed Virgin Mary supported the dead body of Our Lord. Sal-ayá ang masakít nga táo. Put your arms under the sick man's back (and lift him up). Sinál-ay níya sing mahínay ang bátà nga nagakatulúg. She gently lifted the sleeping child. (see aláy-ay, hamíl-ay).



To roll, rock, move up and down or from side to side as a cradle or boat. Mahínay kag malágway ang pagsumpíya sang mga sakayán, sang mga pakláng sang lubí, etc. sa hángin. The boats, the leaves of the coconut palms, move (roll) slowly and languidly in the breeze. (see humbíya, humbáya).



To cut off-, break down-, a branch that is bearing fruit or flowers, as a fruit-laden branch of the kamúnsil-tree, etc., to beat or strike down fruit, etc. with a pole or stick. Dílì nínyo pagtôtoón ang búnga sang dúldul, kóndì dugúson nínyo sing mahínay. Don't strike down the capsules of the kapok-tree, but gather them gently with hook and pole. Tôtoón ta na lang ináng dakû nga sangá sang kamúnsil, kay mabúdlay ang magpaníngit (pagpaníngit, nagapaníngit). Let us break down that large branch of the kamúnsil-tree, because it is too tiresome to gather the fruit with pole and hook. (see sánggì, bánggì, útud, pakóg, pamakóg).

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