Search result(s) - ákon



Grievance, reason for complaint, censure, finding fault with. Walâ gid akó sing igsáwà sang pagtátap níla sa ákon. I have no reason to complain of their treatment.



Grievance, reason for complaint, censure, finding fault with. Walâ gid akó sing igsáwà sang pagtátap níla sa ákon. I have no reason to complain of their treatment.



A verbal prefix like "i-", but with the additional meaning of the adaptability of a material to, or the possibility of, an action. Indì ko pagibalígyà iní sa ímo. I will not sell you this. Índì ko ikabalígyà iní sa ímo, kay dílì ákon. I cannot sell it to you, for it does not belong to me.



A verbal prefix like "i-", but with the additional meaning of the adaptability of a material to, or the possibility of, an action. Indì ko pagibalígyà iní sa ímo. I will not sell you this. Índì ko ikabalígyà iní sa ímo, kay dílì ákon. I cannot sell it to you, for it does not belong to me.



(H) That is for the good or improvement of, weal, welfare, benefit. Sa ikaáyo sang bánwa. For the good of the town. Nahanabô inâ sa ákon ikaáyo. That turned out to my advantage. (see áyo).



(H) That is for the good or improvement of, weal, welfare, benefit. Sa ikaáyo sang bánwa. For the good of the town. Nahanabô inâ sa ákon ikaáyo. That turned out to my advantage. (see áyo).



Condition of being dense, compact; close or near together, crowded; to be close or near together, dense, compact, with little space between. Nagaíkit ang humáy sa ákon umá. The rice on my field is growing thick. Indì nínyo pagikíton ang pagtanúm sing lubí. Do not plant the coconuts too close together. Naikítan akó sináng mga lubí. It seems to me that those coconuts are crowded. Magídas kamó sing íkit, dílì sing lakâ. Stand in a row close together, not far apart. (see garót, gutúk).



Condition of being dense, compact; close or near together, crowded; to be close or near together, dense, compact, with little space between. Nagaíkit ang humáy sa ákon umá. The rice on my field is growing thick. Indì nínyo pagikíton ang pagtanúm sing lubí. Do not plant the coconuts too close together. Naikítan akó sináng mga lubí. It seems to me that those coconuts are crowded. Magídas kamó sing íkit, dílì sing lakâ. Stand in a row close together, not far apart. (see garót, gutúk).



(H) Their, theirs; by, through, etc. them. Sa íla. Them, to them. Ila ginhímò iní. They did this. Ila inâ. That is theirs. That belongs to them. Ihátag mo iní sa íla. Give them this. (see ánda, níla, silá-they; ákon).



(H) To like, covet, desire, wish for, be attached to, long for, want very much, lust after. Nagakaílà siá sa kay Fulána, sang ákon mga páhò, etc. He likes N.N., covets my mangoes, etc. Ginakailáan níya siá, ang duág nga hiláw, etc. He is attached to her, he likes the colour green, etc. Ipaílà sa íya iníng relóh. Make him wish for this watch. Sín-o ang dílì magkaílà sinâ? Who would not like that? (see lúyag, íbug, sahô, íma, makailílà, kalailáan).



(H) Their, theirs; by, through, etc. them. Sa íla. Them, to them. Ila ginhímò iní. They did this. Ila inâ. That is theirs. That belongs to them. Ihátag mo iní sa íla. Give them this. (see ánda, níla, silá-they; ákon).



(H) To like, covet, desire, wish for, be attached to, long for, want very much, lust after. Nagakaílà siá sa kay Fulána, sang ákon mga páhò, etc. He likes N.N., covets my mangoes, etc. Ginakailáan níya siá, ang duág nga hiláw, etc. He is attached to her, he likes the colour green, etc. Ipaílà sa íya iníng relóh. Make him wish for this watch. Sín-o ang dílì magkaílà sinâ? Who would not like that? (see lúyag, íbug, sahô, íma, makailílà, kalailáan).



To be situated in the direction towards the sea; at the seaside, on the sea-coast, towards the sea. Ang ákon baláy yárà sa ilawód sang bánwa. My home is situated in that part of the town which is nearest the sea. Ang mga minurô nga nailawód--. The villages on the coast, or: situated towards the sea--. (see iláwod).



To be situated in the direction towards the sea; at the seaside, on the sea-coast, towards the sea. Ang ákon baláy yárà sa ilawód sang bánwa. My home is situated in that part of the town which is nearest the sea. Ang mga minurô nga nailawód--. The villages on the coast, or: situated towards the sea--. (see iláwod).



(H) Landward, etc.; to be situated in a direction away from the sea, etc. but not so far as the distance implied by "iláya". Ang ákon baláy nailayá sa simbáhan. My home is situated near the Church-or-a little behind the Church (in the direction of the mountains). (see iláya, iláwod, ilawód-seaward).



(H) Landward, etc.; to be situated in a direction away from the sea, etc. but not so far as the distance implied by "iláya". Ang ákon baláy nailayá sa simbáhan. My home is situated near the Church-or-a little behind the Church (in the direction of the mountains). (see iláya, iláwod, ilawód-seaward).



Change, alteration, variation; to change, alter, vary, replace, substitute, exchange; successor, instead of. Makaduhá sa simána may ílis sang prográma. Twice a week there is a change of programme. Sín-o ang ílis níya? Who is his successor? Who takes his place? Maílis-or-magaílis pa akó ánay. First, I shall change (my clothes). Ilísan mo ang ímo kálò nga dáan sing bág-o. Exchange your old hat for a new one. Isli-or-ilísi ang salúg nga kawáyan sing tápì. Take up the bamboo-floor and make one of boards. Sang paghalín ni Pédro nailísan siá ni Páblo. When Peter left, Paul took his place. Iníng mga kawáyan iílis ko sa kodál nga dáan. These bamboos I am going to use to replace the old fence. Nabasâ ang ákon panápton kag walâ akó sing iílis. My clothes got wet and I had no change. Tandaán mo gid ang mga ílis sa íya baláy. Mark well the alterations in his house. (see báylo, tál-us).



Change, alteration, variation; to change, alter, vary, replace, substitute, exchange; successor, instead of. Makaduhá sa simána may ílis sang prográma. Twice a week there is a change of programme. Sín-o ang ílis níya? Who is his successor? Who takes his place? Maílis-or-magaílis pa akó ánay. First, I shall change (my clothes). Ilísan mo ang ímo kálò nga dáan sing bág-o. Exchange your old hat for a new one. Isli-or-ilísi ang salúg nga kawáyan sing tápì. Take up the bamboo-floor and make one of boards. Sang paghalín ni Pédro nailísan siá ni Páblo. When Peter left, Paul took his place. Iníng mga kawáyan iílis ko sa kodál nga dáan. These bamboos I am going to use to replace the old fence. Nabasâ ang ákon panápton kag walâ akó sing iílis. My clothes got wet and I had no change. Tandaán mo gid ang mga ílis sa íya baláy. Mark well the alterations in his house. (see báylo, tál-us).



(B) To like to have, to like, desire, wish for, long for, covet, want, hanker after. Nagaíma siá siníng mga sapátos, bísti, dólse, etc. She would like to have these boots, clothes, sweets, etc. Ginimáhan níya ang ákon páhò. He longed for my mango. Kon magkáon ka sing mga manámit nga kalan-ónon, ang mga bátà magaíma. When you eat nice side-dishes, the children want to join in. (see lúyag, íbug, ílà, hingamó, híngyo, hándum).



(B) To like to have, to like, desire, wish for, long for, covet, want, hanker after. Nagaíma siá siníng mga sapátos, bísti, dólse, etc. She would like to have these boots, clothes, sweets, etc. Ginimáhan níya ang ákon páhò. He longed for my mango. Kon magkáon ka sing mga manámit nga kalan-ónon, ang mga bátà magaíma. When you eat nice side-dishes, the children want to join in. (see lúyag, íbug, ílà, hingamó, híngyo, hándum).

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