Search result(s) - batâ



Pulley, block, crane; any contrivance for lifting, drawing or pulling upwards. (bátak).



A frame-work with a hole or slot through which bamboo, bólò, rattan, etc. is passed when dressing or cleaning it for weaving purposes. (see talapgohán).



(B) To lie down sick, lie up, be sick, stay in-, keep one's-, bed on account of some illness. Nagbátang na siá sang pilá ka ádlaw. He has kept his-, remained in-, bed for several days.



(B) Dim. and Freq. of batáng. To rise and lie down alternately, to be a little sick, feel indisposed. Nagabatángbátang siá, kay malúya ang íya láwas. She rises and lies down again, for she is weak.



Young, youthful, pertaining to children, etc. See batán-on.



To turn to refuse or scrap, especially applied to metals. Ang kaláyo nagbátas sang salsálon. The fire burned the iron to scrap. Ang salsálon nabátas or binátas sang kaláyo. The iron was burned to scrap by the fire. Indì mo pagbatáson sa kaláyo iníng sin. Don't allow this zinc to pass through fire and become useless.



To bear, suffer; sustain, tolerate, put up with; stand. Makabatás ka sinâ? Can you stand that? Hántì, kay ginhímò mo inâ, batasá na man ang ígò nga sílot. Very well then, as you have done that, suffer now the fitting punishment. Ginbatás-or-binatás ko ang tanán nga kahuól. I bore all hardships. Indì na akó magbatás sang ínyo paggináhud dirí. I will not put up any longer with the noise you make. (see ántus, íro, agwánta).



Custom, manner, habit, practice, character, usage, ways, way of going on, use, convention. (see pamatásan, kagawián, kabuyó, kinaanáran).



Patient, suffering, forbearing: bearing pain, trial or trouble without murmuring. (see batás, mapinailúbon, mainantúson).



Dim. and Freq. of ábat. Also: to follow up, follow from place to place. Ginabátábat sang mga polís ang makáwat túbtub nga íla madakúp (nadakúp). The police followed the thief from place to place till they caught him. Abát-abáton nínyo ang duhá ka pamatán-on nga nagtabanáy túbtub nga ínyo makítà kag ibálik nínyo dirí silá nga duhá. Follow the two young people that have eloped till you find them and bring the two of them back here. (see sunúdsúnud).



To follow closely without going beyond, be barely sufficient; just enough without anything to spare, living from hand to mouth. Ginaabátabát gid lang ang ámon pagkáon. We just manage to live from hand to mouth. The food we can procure is hardly enough to keep us alive. Ang ámon kinitáan abátabát gid lang sa ámon pangabúhì. Our earnings are barely enough for our living.



To serve, especially applied to prospective husbands serving for their betrothed. Nagapangágad na siá dídto. He is serving there for his betrothed. May batásan silá nga ang mga laláki mangágad or magpangágad sa baláy sang íla pangasáw-on (nga íla pangasáw-an). They have the custom that the men should serve in the house of their intended wives (of their future parents-in-law). The Freq. pangágad is mostly used; ágad without the prefix pang occurs in umágad-son-in-law.



An exclamation of pain and suffering. Agóy, kasakít siníng hubág ko. Oh, dear me. Oh, the pain of this boil of mine! Agóy, daw sa dílì na akó makabatás siníng kahápdì. Oh, dear, I can hardly stand this pain any longer. (see aragóy).



(Sp. aguantar) To bear, tolerate, suffer, let pass, put up with. Dáw dílì na akó makaagwánta sinâ. I seem not to be able to bear it any longer. Anhon mo, kóndì magagwánta lang? What can you do, but suffer it patiently? Agwantahá lang! Just bear it with resignation! (see batás, ántus).

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