Search result(s) - lakás



Excoriation, bruise, abrasion; to excoriate, chafe, fret, rub open, bruise, abrade. May híbas ang íya dalúnggan kag ilóng gíkan sa anteóhos. His ears and nose are chafed by his spectacles. Nahibásan ang hítà níya sa lakás nga paglakát, kay matámbok siá. His thighs got chafed on account of too much walking, for he is fat. (see taís, pák-ad).



To cleave, split, rend, tear, sunder, break asunder (cloth, etc.); open a way through a crowd, make a passage. Naghígin ang ákon dáan nga báyò, kay ginpapák sing lakás sang labandéra. My old jacket was torn, because the washerwoman beat it too hard. Higína ang mga táo sa dálan, kay maági ang trak. Part the people on the road for the truck will pass. Naghígin ang mga táo sa dálan sang paglubás sang prosisyón. The people on the road cleared the way when the procession passed. (see háwà).



(H) To have an empty stomach, feel a sinking sensation in the stomach on account of hunger, fear, excitement or shock. Nagahílab ang ginháwa ko; or: ginahilában akó sa lakás nga kagútum. I am weak from hunger, (my stomach feels quite empty, I am exhausted). Magkáon kamó ánay sing maáyo, agúd índì kamó mahilában sa dálan. Eat well that you may not become exhausted on the way. (see hírab id.; hawáhawá).



To bend, curve, incline, deflect, flex, arch, bow. Hálba ang ímo husáy, agúd mahapús nga hilókon. Heat your comb, that it may be easy to bend. Abáw, índì gid mahílok ang láwas níya, kay lakás kabáskug. Why, one cannot bend his body, for he is too strong (or too stiff). Hilóki akó siníng hilimoón ko nga tuangtuangán. Bend for me this piece of bamboo which I am going to make into a carrier's pole. (see tikô).



Trial, hardship, difficulty; to be a trial, be hard, become difficult; pahiól-to beset, bother, molest, harass, cause trouble, hardship or difficulty. Naghiól na ang íya kahimtángan. His position has become difficult. Nagpahiól siá sa ákon. He caused me trouble. He molested me. Ginpahiolán (Ginpahíl-an) ni Fuláno si tátay sa lakás nga pangáyò. Father was greatly bothered by the insistent request of N.N. Pahiolí (Pahíl-i) siá túbtub nga magákig. Harass him till he gets angry. Mahiól ang íla pangabúhì. Their life is a hard or trying one. (see huól).



Loosely tied, loose, slack, not tight; relaxed; to tie loosely. Hugák iní; húgtà sing maáyo. This is loosely tied; tighten it. Hugakí ang balíghot, wáklos, etc. Tie the knot, the belt, etc. loosely. Loosen the knot, the belt, etc. Hinugakán níya ang íya wáklos, kay lakás kabusúg sa íya. He loosened his belt, for he had eaten too much. (see tugák id.).



To stop-, cease-, growing, be retarded or impeded in one's growth. Naghunúl ang pagdakû siníng bátà kútub sang nagbalatián siá. This boy has not grown from the time he became sick. Nagahunúl ang pagtúbò sang talóng kay nainítan sing lakás. The eggplants stopped growing, for they were exposed to too much sunshine. (see kunól, kutóng).



To subtract, diminish, take from, deduct from, take away part of, shorten, lessen, reduce. Ibáni ang humáy sa tabungós sing limá ka gántang. Take five gantas of rice from the tabungós-basket. Ginibánan níya ang ákon sóhol nga binúlan sing duhá ka mángmang. He deducted two pesos from my monthly salary. Iíban akó sang ákon dalá, kay lakás kabúg-at. Please lessen my burden (take some off my load), for it is too heavy. (see búhin).



To subtract, diminish, take from, deduct from, take away part of, shorten, lessen, reduce. Ibáni ang humáy sa tabungós sing limá ka gántang. Take five gantas of rice from the tabungós-basket. Ginibánan níya ang ákon sóhol nga binúlan sing duhá ka mángmang. He deducted two pesos from my monthly salary. Iíban akó sang ákon dalá, kay lakás kabúg-at. Please lessen my burden (take some off my load), for it is too heavy. (see búhin).



To suffer from too much heat, be restless due to hot, sultry weather. Nagaindaháng siá sa lakás nga ínit. On account of the excessive heat he is ill at ease, (feels languid).



To suffer from too much heat, be restless due to hot, sultry weather. Nagaindaháng siá sa lakás nga ínit. On account of the excessive heat he is ill at ease, (feels languid).



To drink, imbibe, quaff, swig, swill, drain the cup, bib, guzzle. Imna iní. Drink this. Imni iníng bíno bisán diótay lang. Drink some of this wine, even if only a little. Take a little of this wine. Ipainúm sa íya iníng túbig nga mabúgnaw nga isá ka báso. Give him this glass of fresh water to drink. Paímna siá. Give him a drink. Let him drink. Indì ka maginúm sing lakás nga tubâ, kay básì mahubúg (mabalúng) ikáw. Don't drink too much toddy, you may get drunk. (see káon-to eat).



To drink, imbibe, quaff, swig, swill, drain the cup, bib, guzzle. Imna iní. Drink this. Imni iníng bíno bisán diótay lang. Drink some of this wine, even if only a little. Take a little of this wine. Ipainúm sa íya iníng túbig nga mabúgnaw nga isá ka báso. Give him this glass of fresh water to drink. Paímna siá. Give him a drink. Let him drink. Indì ka maginúm sing lakás nga tubâ, kay básì mahubúg (mabalúng) ikáw. Don't drink too much toddy, you may get drunk. (see káon-to eat).



A prefix of very wide use in the formation of abstract and collective nouns as well as of an exclamatory superlative which nearly corresponds in meaning to the English "How--!" e.g. álam-kaálam (wisdom, learning); písan-kapísan (diligence, application); píntas-kapíntas (cruelty); ángot-kaangtánan (connection); lábut-kalabtánan (participation, implication); uyáng-kahinguyángan (outlay, expenditure); bátà-kabatáan (childhood; children); baláy-kabalayán (houses, collection of houses); támad-katámad sa ímo! How lazy you are! Dásig-kadásig siníng kabáyo! How swiftly this horse runs! gáhud, galúng-kagáhud kag kagalúng sináng mga bátà! Oh, the noisiness and boisterousness of those children! lisúd-ay, kalisúd! Oh, what a heavy cross! After superlative adverbs like lakás, lám-ag, dúro, masyádo, támà, túman, etc. "ka" is either prefixed to the adjectives or takes the place of ma-, e.g. Dalók-greedy. Lakás kadalók. Very greedy. Layâ-dry. Masyádo kalayâ. Very dry. Maitúm-black. Lám-ag kaitúm. Very black. Madálum-deep. Dúro kadálum. Very deep. Matámbok-fat. Támà katámbok. Very fat. Dakû-large. Túman kadakû. Very large, etc.



Excess, extreme, radicalism, extravagance, intemperance. (lakás).



(Sp. carga, cargar) Burden, load; to load, burden; to transfer, enter. Iníng kárga lakás kabúg-at sa ákon. This burden is too heavy for me. Ikárga iní sa ímo áwto. Put this in your auto. Ikárga akó ánay siní sa ímo karósa. Please put this on your cart. Pilá ang hinákay kon kargahán ko ang ímo káro sing napúlò ka pásong nga humáy? How much will the freight be, if I put ten bushels of rice on your cart? Ikárga sa libro ináng mga binunyagán. Transfer to the register the names of those baptized. Dílì mo siá pagkargahán sináng sáko, kay támà kabúg-at sa íya. Don't burden him with that sack, for it is much too heavy for him. Nalúnud ang sakayán, kay kinargahán sing támà. The boat sank, because it was overloaded. (see lúlan).



To economize, stint, be niggardly, live very frugally. Indì ka magkínì sing lakás sang ímo pagkáon, kay magalúya ang ímo láwas. Don't live too frugally, for you will become weak. (see kínot, kínit).

koíng, ko-íng


Bow-legged, bandy-legged; to be or become bow-legged. Koíng siá. He is bandy-legged. Ang kapitán nagkoíng tungúd sang lakás níya nga pagpangabayó. The captain became bow-legged through too much riding on horseback.



To inflame, chafe, gall, irritate, heat, loosen the skin by scratching, pinching, rubbing, etc. Naládgad ang íya pánit, kay kinálot níya. His skin was inflamed, because he scratched it. Ladgadá (-ará) ang pánit. Heat the skin (by rubbing, or the like). Indì mo pagkalóton sing lakás ang katúl mo, kay kon maládgad ang pánit mo, magalápad ang katúl. Don't scratch your "katúl" (kind of eczema) too much, for if the skin becomes inflamed, the "katúl" will spread. (see dús-il, pák-it, taís).



(B) Too much, excessive, immoderate, extravagant, beyond measure; to be excessive, do something to excess. Indì ka magpalám-ag sang hámbal. Don't talk too much. Lám-ag kabúg-at iní sa ákon. This is too heavy for me. Nalam-agán akó sinâ. That is too much for me. I have had more than enough of that. Ginpalam-agán akó níya sang buyáyaw. He surpassed himself in swearing at me. (see támà, lakás, masiádo, dúro).

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