Search result(s) - ákon



(H) But, now, after a moment's time or reflection, anon, before long, in a minute, afterwards, not just now, but--, not in this way, but--. Karón ogáling magadúaw akó sa ínyo. After a short time I will visit you, but not just now. Silhigán mo ánay ang salúg kag ogáling lampasóhan mo. First sweep the floor and then scrub it. Sán-o nímo tahión ang ákon báyò?-Buás ogáling, kay masákò pa akó súbung siní. When will you make my dress?-To-morrow, for at present I am very busy. (see gáring, ugáling).



(H) But, now, after a moment's time or reflection, anon, before long, in a minute, afterwards, not just now, but--, not in this way, but--. Karón ogáling magadúaw akó sa ínyo. After a short time I will visit you, but not just now. Silhigán mo ánay ang salúg kag ogáling lampasóhan mo. First sweep the floor and then scrub it. Sán-o nímo tahión ang ákon báyò?-Buás ogáling, kay masákò pa akó súbung siní. When will you make my dress?-To-morrow, for at present I am very busy. (see gáring, ugáling).



To hide or conceal oneself, sidestep, evade, to lower or hide one's head, to bend down, dodge, to duck or drop the head suddenly, so as to avoid a blow or escape observation. Nagóklò siá sang pagkakítà níya sa ákon. He ducked his head when he saw me. Sang paglámpus sa íya ni Fuláno walâ siá maígò, kay nagóklò siá. When N.N. struck at him he was not hit, for he dodged (the blow). Indì ka lang magóklò sa pihák sang bintánà, kay nakítà ko na ikáw kag índì ka na makapanágò. Don't take cover below the window, for I have seen you and you cannot hide. Okloí siá, agúd índì ka níya makítà. Duck your head, so that he may not see you. (see sálup).



To hide or conceal oneself, sidestep, evade, to lower or hide one's head, to bend down, dodge, to duck or drop the head suddenly, so as to avoid a blow or escape observation. Nagóklò siá sang pagkakítà níya sa ákon. He ducked his head when he saw me. Sang paglámpus sa íya ni Fuláno walâ siá maígò, kay nagóklò siá. When N.N. struck at him he was not hit, for he dodged (the blow). Indì ka lang magóklò sa pihák sang bintánà, kay nakítà ko na ikáw kag índì ka na makapanágò. Don't take cover below the window, for I have seen you and you cannot hide. Okloí siá, agúd índì ka níya makítà. Duck your head, so that he may not see you. (see sálup).



Dim. and Freq. of ópol. Also: to follow in quick succession, overlapping or interfering with each other. Nagaopólopól gid lang ang ákon mga buluhatón. My jobs come one-on top of the other,-after the other without pause. (see abútabút, abákabák).



Dim. and Freq. of ópol. Also: to follow in quick succession, overlapping or interfering with each other. Nagaopólopól gid lang ang ákon mga buluhatón. My jobs come one-on top of the other,-after the other without pause. (see abútabút, abákabák).



(Sp. uso) Style, fashion, usage, custom, mode, manner, anything commonly used or in vogue. Markahí lang ang ákon báka sang óso. Just mark my cow (ox) with the ordinary branding-iron.



(Sp. uso) Style, fashion, usage, custom, mode, manner, anything commonly used or in vogue. Markahí lang ang ákon báka sang óso. Just mark my cow (ox) with the ordinary branding-iron.



To gnaw, nibble (as a rat or mouse.) Ginot-otán sang ilagâ ang ákon báyò. My jacket has been gnawed (nibbled) at by mice. Inót-ot sang ilagâ ang ákon hábul. The mouse nibbled at my blanket.



To gnaw, nibble (as a rat or mouse.) Ginot-otán sang ilagâ ang ákon báyò. My jacket has been gnawed (nibbled) at by mice. Inót-ot sang ilagâ ang ákon hábul. The mouse nibbled at my blanket.



A tick; a kind of blood-sucking vermin that is often found on buffaloes and other cattle; a piece of slightly split or loose skin near the root of a nail, a hangnail, agnail. May ótol ang karabáw. The buffalo is infested with ticks. May ótol ang ákon túdlò. The skin at the root of my fingernail is loose or split. (see dótol, dotóldótol).



A tick; a kind of blood-sucking vermin that is often found on buffaloes and other cattle; a piece of slightly split or loose skin near the root of a nail, a hangnail, agnail. May ótol ang karabáw. The buffalo is infested with ticks. May ótol ang ákon túdlò. The skin at the root of my fingernail is loose or split. (see dótol, dotóldótol).



Yet, still, besides, more, furthermore, also. Walâ pa (índì pa) siá magabút. He has not (will not) arrived (arrive) yet. Sa súbung siní índì pa akó makahalín. I cannot leave just at present. Sa ákon bántà magaulán pa karón sa hápon. In my opinion it will still be raining (it will rain again) this afternoon. May isá pa ka katarúngan--. There is still another (one more) reason or argument. Isá pa. One thing more. Maáyo pa (labíng maáyo pa) kon--. It were better (It would be better still), if--. Kag índì pa kay amó inâ lámang, kóndì--. And not only this, but--. This does not tell the whole story, but--. Matáas pa ang búkid nga Napulák. The Napulák mountain is higher (still). Malayô pa. It is far yet. (see angód, gihápon).



A very frequently used prefix with the following meanings:

1) Movement or direction towards, e.g. paidálum-downwards, down; paibábaw-upward, up; nagpamanílà siá. He has gone to Manila. Nagapabugál siá. He is on the road to pride, i.e. he is getting proud, is haughty, overbearing. Nagapadayáw siá. He is vain. Nagapabungúl siá. He is acting as if he were deaf, is stubborn, disobedient, heedless, does not listen, etc.

2) Efficient cause, e.g. Sín-o ang nagpatíndog sang halígi? Who set up the post? Ang isá ka alakáyo saráng makapakádlaw sa mga táo. A joker can make people laugh. Ginpahalín níla ang matámad nga sologoón. They discharged the lazy servant. Patalumá ang binángon. Sharpen the bolo. Pinabálik níya ang sulát. He sent the letter back, etc.

3) Order or command (quite frequently to be performed by a third person), e.g. Patáwga si Pédro (sa) kay Huán. Ipatawág si Huán (sa) kay Pédro. Order (Get) Peter to call John. Padálhi akó sing túbig. Send me some water. Get someone to bring me water. Palutói akó sing panyága. Have dinner prepared for me. Order someone to cook the dinner for me. Palutóa ang kosinéro sang panyága. Ipalútò ang panyága sa kosinéro. Order the cook to get dinner ready. Ipaábat siá. Send somebody-after him,-to call him here, etc.

4) Toleration or sufferance, e.g. Pahampangá lang dirâ ang mga bátà. Just let the boys play there. Pabayái (Pabáy-i) lang silá. Leave them alone. Let them do what they like. Pasakayá (Pasákya) siá sa ímo salákyan. Give him a lift in your vehicle. Let him ride in your car (carriage). Indì mo silá pagpasúgtan. Don't allow them to have their will. Don't grant their request. Don't approve their proposal. Indì ka magpabúang, magpadáyà, etc. Don't allow yourself to be fooled, cheated, etc. Mapapuút pa akó ánay sang ulán kag ogáling mapadáyon akó sang ákon panglakátan. I'll let the rain stop first (I am waiting for the rain to stop) and then I shall continue the march, etc.

N.B. It should be borne in mind that the context alone can determine the exact meaning of pa-(usually, for convenience' sake, called the Causative). Hence in this dictionary when words with the prefix pa-occur, the translation does not exclude meanings other than the one given.



To tire, cause stiffness in the limbs (as from much walking or overexertion). Napá-ul akó. I got (felt) tired. Napa-úlan ang ákon páa. My leg got stiff. (see búdlay, álay).



To make shy, timid, bashful, inspire little confidence. Nagpaalág-ag siá sa ákon. He inspired me with little confidence. He made me a little timid. He made me feel afraid of him. (pa, alág-ag).

paálay, paaláy


Caus. of álay. To tire, make stiff. Also: (especially in (B): to worry, feel uneasy, be upset. Ang paglakát nagpaálay sang ákon páa. The walk has made my legs stiff. Pagapaaláyon (pagapaalayón) gid ang ímo láwas kon magpangabúdlay ka sa ínit. You will certainly get tired and stiff, if you work in the heat of the sun. Ngáa nga nagapaaláy ka gid túngud sinâ? Why do you worry about that? Why does such a thing upset you? Anó ang ímo ginapaalayán (sang ímo hunâhúnà)? What are you worrying about? What is it that makes you feel so ill at ease?



To prepare, make-, get-, ready; to warn, notify, inform. Tungúd siní gánì ginapaáman ko sa tanán nga--. For this very reason I am warning (giving notice to) everyone that--. Ginapaáman níya nga dáan sa ákon nga--. He had informed me beforehand that--. (pa, áman).



To let share, share with, give a share or part to, make or let participate in or partake of. Paambitón ko siá sináng mga páhò. I will let him have some of those mangoes. Ipaámbit ko sa íya iníng humáy. I am going to give him part of this rice. Paambitá akó sang maáyo mo nga kapaláran. Let me share in your good fortune. Ginpaambitán níya sa ákon ang íya kalípay. He let me share in his joy. He shared his joy with me. (pa, ámbit).



Caus. of arádo-to plough. Paaradóha siá sang ákon umá. Let him (Tell him to) plough my field. (see padáro).

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