Search result(s) - angód



(B) Yet, still, at this or that time, thus far, hitherto. Warâ angód tána magabút. (Walâ pa siá magabút). He has not come yet. (see pa, gihápon).



(B) No, none. See warâ, walâ. Hurâ angód tána magabút. He has not come yet. (see Walâ, pa, siá, magabút).

lihók, líhok


To move, budge, stir, bestir oneself. Ilihók na ang láwas mo sa pagtapás sing káhoy. Bestir yourself now and cut down some trees. Walâ gánì siá magalihók. He does not even move. He is very quiet. Lihók ka na. Get a move on now. Bestir yourself. Andot warâ kaw angód pagkalihók nga adláwon ron? (B) Why don't you get a move on now, as it is broad daylight already? (see litók, húlag, húblag, híwos, gíos, íos).



Yet, still, besides, more, furthermore, also. Walâ pa (índì pa) siá magabút. He has not (will not) arrived (arrive) yet. Sa súbung siní índì pa akó makahalín. I cannot leave just at present. Sa ákon bántà magaulán pa karón sa hápon. In my opinion it will still be raining (it will rain again) this afternoon. May isá pa ka katarúngan--. There is still another (one more) reason or argument. Isá pa. One thing more. Maáyo pa (labíng maáyo pa) kon--. It were better (It would be better still), if--. Kag índì pa kay amó inâ lámang, kóndì--. And not only this, but--. This does not tell the whole story, but--. Matáas pa ang búkid nga Napulák. The Napulák mountain is higher (still). Malayô pa. It is far yet. (see angód, gihápon).



Ill, evil, disease, sickness, illness; to make-sick,-ill. Andam ka, agúd índì ka pagsakroón liwán. Take care or you will get sick again. Si Fuláno ginsákrò sang isá ka simána kag túbtub karón ginasákrò pa siá gihápon. (Si Fuláno ginsákrò kang isaráng simána kag ásta tulád kadyá ginasákrò tána angód). N.N. was taken ill a week ago and up till now he is still unwell. Ang sinámbit nga mga sákrò amó ang íya ginabátyag. The ills mentioned are precisely those he is suffering from. (see sángkò, masakít, molomasakít).



To growl, grumble, murmur. Ang idô nagalángod. The dog is growling. Indì ka maglángod sa ákon-or-índì mo akó paglangódan (-óran). Don't murmur or grumble against me-or-in my presence. (see kúmud, ngúrab).



To surfeit, eat much, be voracious, gluttonous, greedy. Nasangodán akó siníng bátà ko. This child of mine eats very much. Kasángod siníng bátà! How greedy this boy is!



Craw, crop; hamper, basket for provisions. Iníng bátà daw may sángod, kay madámù gid sing káon. This boy seems to have a hamper somewhere, for he eats so much. (see balonbalonán).