Search result(s) - sálup



To go down, disappear, enter. Nagsálup na ang ádlaw. The sun has gone down. Papáa ang lánsang sing maáyo agúd magsálup sa tápì. Hammer the nail well, that it may enter the board. Pasálpa ang pabílo sang sugâ. Turn down the lamp-wick. Pasálpi ang halígi sing lánsang. Drive a nail into the post.



To set, go down (of sun, moon, etc.). Naghinalúp na ang ádlaw. The sun has set. Nahinálpan kamí sang ádlaw sang ámon paglakát. The sun went down whilst we were on our way. (see sálup, túnud).



Having set or gone down (of sun, moon). Hinalúp na ang búlan. The moon has set. (see sálup, tunúd).



To set, go down. (see hinalúp, sálup).



Sunset, west, Occident. (see sálup, katúndan, katulúndan).



To hide or conceal oneself, sidestep, evade, to lower or hide one's head, to bend down, dodge, to duck or drop the head suddenly, so as to avoid a blow or escape observation. Nagóklò siá sang pagkakítà níya sa ákon. He ducked his head when he saw me. Sang paglámpus sa íya ni Fuláno walâ siá maígò, kay nagóklò siá. When N.N. struck at him he was not hit, for he dodged (the blow). Indì ka lang magóklò sa pihák sang bintánà, kay nakítà ko na ikáw kag índì ka na makapanágò. Don't take cover below the window, for I have seen you and you cannot hide. Okloí siá, agúd índì ka níya makítà. Duck your head, so that he may not see you. (see sálup).



To hide or conceal oneself, sidestep, evade, to lower or hide one's head, to bend down, dodge, to duck or drop the head suddenly, so as to avoid a blow or escape observation. Nagóklò siá sang pagkakítà níya sa ákon. He ducked his head when he saw me. Sang paglámpus sa íya ni Fuláno walâ siá maígò, kay nagóklò siá. When N.N. struck at him he was not hit, for he dodged (the blow). Indì ka lang magóklò sa pihák sang bintánà, kay nakítà ko na ikáw kag índì ka na makapanágò. Don't take cover below the window, for I have seen you and you cannot hide. Okloí siá, agúd índì ka níya makítà. Duck your head, so that he may not see you. (see sálup).



Setting, sinking, going down; west, occident, sunset. (see sálup, kasálpan, katúndan).



To soak, steep in fluid, moist, wet, drench. Nasalupápan ang tinápay sang lánggaw. The bread was soaked in vinegar. (see húgum, húlum, húpug, basâ).



To penetrate, etc. See salópsop.



The form pagimáw is mostly used in the meaning of: to peer or peep slyly or stealthily out of a window, etc., drawing back one's head at once, if seen by others. Nagapagimáw siá sa bintánà. She is peeping out of the window, (taking care not to be seen). Indì ka magpagimáw, kay táwgon ka nga baó nga nagasálup sa íya baláy kon makíta ka sang táo. Don't peep through openings, for, if you are seen, people will call you a turtle withdrawing into its shell. Ginpagimawán níya akó sa gihâ. He peeped at me through a hole. Ipagimáw ang úlo mo. Put your head out cautiously and look about. (see tikâ, língling, óplok, íplok, tíid, paníid).



To throw about one's arms, as in swimming. Magkámay ka, kay kon dílì masálup ka. Use your arms, or you will sink.



To enter deep, penetrate, permeate, sink into, soak in, be absorbed. Naglátum na ang íya balatían, kay walâ níya pagbúlnga sa gilayón. His sickness has now taken firm hold, for he did not apply remedies at once. Nagalátum sa ákon tagiposóon ang íya matám-is nga láygay. His sweet counsels are penetrating or touching my heart. Nalatúman (nalátman) akó siníng mga kalisúd. These troubles have touched me to the quick, have entered deep into my soul. Ang dálit sang mán-og naglátum na sa íya kaugatán. The snake poison has now permeated his veins. (see tudúk, turúk, salúpsup, kágit, etc.).



Freq. of salúpsup-to enter deep, penetrate. (see panalúgsug).



(H) To penetrate, go deep, enter deep. Iníng kasákit nagsalópsop sa íya tagiposóon. This sorrow or pain entered deep into (penetrated) his heart. Ginsalopsopán ang íya kasíngkásing sang amó nga kasubô. That sorrow touched him to the quick, wounded his heart deeply (salúpsup id.; see kágit).



(B) To give a strong flavour to, season overmuch, put too much salt or condiment in food, etc.; to permeate, soak, fill to satiety, surfeit. Natóoy kang asín ang (Nasalópsop (Natómo) sang asín iníng) tosíno, hamón, sópas, etc. nga diá. This bacon, ham, soup, etc. is too salt. Natóoy (tána) kang (Natám-an siá sang) tubâ. He is soaked with toddy, i.e. he is drunk. (see látum, húpug, busúg, salópsop, salúpsup, támà).



To soak, drench, saturate, steep in, fill with. Ang íya tagiposóon natúmo sang katám-is sang paghigúgma. His heart was full with the pleasant feeling of love. Ang ságbot, labí na gid kon matúmu sing túbig, támà kabáhò. Rubbish, particularly when thoroughly wet with water, emits a very vile (offensive) odour. (see húpug, húmug, basâ, lúgum, tóoy, salúpsup).