Treachery, treason, perfidy, betrayal, foul play; treacherous, perfidious, cheating to commit a treacherous act, to cheat, betray, mislead, deliver (to an enemy). Indì kamó magluíb sa íya. Indì nínyo siá pagluibán. Don't play him false. Don't betray or cheat him. Amó inâ ang ginluíb níya sa kay Fuláno. That was the dirty trick he played on N.N. (see maluíb, búdhì, lúbhà, dáyà, límbong).
To open, lay bare, unfold, expose. See lúk-ab. Ang lisó naglúkba sang íya bagól. The bullet laid his brain bare-or-exposed his brain. Ginlúkba níya sa padér ang isá ka dakû nga bató. He broke a great stone off the wall. (see úklab).
To lift up or raise a curtain, clothes, and the like. Lukisá ang báyò mo. Lift up or raise your jacket. Ginlukisán níya ang kátre sang kortína. He raised the bed curtain. Kon magtabúk ka sa subâ, índì ka maglukís sang ímo panápton sing támà kay maláw-ay. When you go across a river, don't raise your garments too much, for it is improper. (see bátak, baláking, lolós).
To contrive to obtain through a small opening or aperture by means of a stick and the like. Naglúkit siá sang kwárta sa alkansía. He fished out the money from the slotted bamboo money-box. Ginlukítan níya ang káha nga may búslot kag kináwat ang nasulúd nga pílak. He contrived to get into the money box and stole the money inside. (see lúgit).
To sit on a hammock or the like. Ginpaándam níya kamí nga índì námon paglukótan ang dúyan, kay támà na gid kagabúk. He warned us not to sit on the hammock, for it is quite rotten. (Probably this "lúkot" is identical with the foregoing, but is used here metaphorically).
To open (with another key) locks, etc.; to do on the sly, do-stealthily,-secretly. Ginlumángan níya ang ákon ba-úl sang íya lyábe. He opened my box with his key. Ilúmang akó ánay sang ímo lyábe sa ákon kandádo, kay nadúlà ang ákon lyábe. Kindly try to open my lock with your key, as my key is lost. Lumángi ang íya ba-úl sang ákon lyábe. Open his box with my key.
To loosen by shaking to and fro, move to right and left, as a nail, post, bolt, etc., in order to draw it with ease. Lungâ-lungáa ang lánsang ánay kag ugáling gabúton mo. Shake the nail first to and fro and then draw it out. Ginlungâlúngà níya ang búgsok túbtub nga mahapús kuháon. He shook the stake till it became easy to remove it. (see úyog, hungáhúngà).
To pull asunder or apart, force away from, separate, tear-away,-off,-from. Lungatá siá sa lungón. Force her away from the coffin. Ginlungát níya ang íya kamót. He pulled his hand away. Ginlungát níya ang íla mga kamót. He forced their hands asunder. Ilungát akó sa íla nga duhá nga nagadulúmug. Please separate the two wrestlers. (see bákbak, ák-ak).
To fly on wings, take wing, wing one's way or one's flight, soar, aviate, hover, plane. Nakalupád na ang mga píspis sa malayô. The birds have now flown far away. Ang talúnan didto ginaluparán sing madámù nga píspis. Many birds are flying about that forest there. Ginlupád níya ang lángit. He soared towards the sky or skywards. Ang sakayán-hángin magalupád sa ibábaw sang Ilóngílong. The air-ship will fly over Iloilo. Makahibaló ka maglupád? Can you fly?
To oppress, treat unjustly, pay small wages and exact much work, keep under the thumb; oppressed, subject to, unfree, in bondage to, in the clutches of, domineered, bullied. Indì mo paglupígon ang mga ímol. Do not oppress the poor. Ginalúpig níya ang íya mga mamumugón. He is treating his workmen harshly or unjustly. Ang mga ímol sing masamí lúpig sang mga manggaránon. The poor are often subject to oppression by the rich.
A kind of plant with edible leaves, but mostly only fed to pigs. Metaphorically: to humble, treat ignominiously, put down, abase, look down upon, depreciate, despise, snub; outdo, overcome. Indì ka maglupô sa ákon, índì mo akó paglupoón. Don't treat me so ignominiously. Ginlupô lang akó níya. He simply treated me as if were a lupô, as if I were of no consideration.
To stop-, remain-, stay-,-a long time, to tarry, linger. Indì ka maglúsgò dídto. Don't tarry there long. Naglúsgò siá dídto sa íla baláy. He lingered there at their house for a long while. Ginlusgoán níya ang ámon baláy. He stayed a long while with us at our home.
To go or jump down, descend, dive into. Ginlusóngan níya ang pisítas nga nahúlug sa túbig. He dived to get the twenty-centavo piece that had fallen into the water. Ang íya pagpanlibáng nalusóngan sang balaúd. His diarrhoea developed into dysentery.
To pass or slip through a narrow opening, wriggle or squeeze through a hole, fence, etc. Naglusút siá sa kodál-or-ginlútsan níya ang kodál. He squeezed through the fence. Makalusút ikáw dirá? Can you wriggle through there? (see sóhot).
Liking, desire, relish, enjoyment, wish; to like, relish, desire, care for, delight in, derive pleasure from, take to, take a fancy to, fancy, hanker after, covet. Anó ang lúyag mo? What do you like (want, wish)? Ang ákon lúyag amó--. What I like is--. Malúyag ikáw sinâ? Do you like it? Ang mga páhò amó gid ang ginaluyágan níya sa pagkáon. Mangoes are just the thing he likes to eat very much. (see buút, wíli, lípay, hándum).
To be fond of, attached to, have a passion for, take a fancy to, look sweet upon, fall in love with. Nagakaluyág siá sa kay Fulána. Ginakaluyagán níya si Fulána. He is passionately fond of N.N. He has fallen in love with N.N. (see gúgma-love, affection).
Rather much, a good amount or considerable quantity. Mahumánhumán ang gingásto níya sa íya bátà túbtub nga natápus níya ang íya pagtoón. He spent a good deal of money on his son till he finished his studies. (see hingánhingán).