Search result(s) - tulún-an



All together, united, gathered, collected, connected, combined, associated, assembled, general; to come together, unite, gather, collect, bring together, amass, embody, congregate. Tingúb (Nagatingúb) silá nga tanán dirâ. They are all together over there. Tíngba silá. Gather (collect, bring) them together. Ang paghokóm nga sing tingúb. The general judgment. Itingúb siá sa ibán nga mga bumulúthò. Put him with the other students. Gintingúb níya sa amó nga tulún-an ang madámù nga mga sinugígsúgid nga sinádto. He embodied in that book many stories (legends) of bygone days. Tíngbi akó sináng mga páhò. Gather (Glean) those mangoes for me. Natíngban siá sang tanán nga pagkasampáton sa amó nga palangakóan. He has (had) all the accomplishments for such an office. (see típon, ímpon, símpon, karipón, holónhólon, hubónhúbon, hirípo, etc.).



(Sp. tirón) Tyro, beginner, novice, apprentice; student, greenhorn. (see bag-óhan, tulún-an).



See tulún-to swallow, etc.



See tulún-an-book, etc.



(Sp. tomo) Volume, book, tome; bulk, size. (see tulún-an, kadakû, kadák-an). See also túmu-to soak, saturate with, etc.



To learn, study, acquire knowledge, acquaint oneself with; to teach, instruct, impart knowledge. Nagtoón siá dídto sing tátlo ka túig. He studied (taught) there three years. Magtoón ka sing may kapísan. Study hard. Mind your books. Tón-i ang leksyón mo. Learn your lesson. Walâ siá sing tinón-an. He has no learning or education. Táo nga waláy tinón-an. An illiterate man. A person that lacks polite breeding. Indì mo pagipatoón ang ímo bátà sa amó nga buluthúan. Don't send your boy to that school. Pinatón-an siá dídto sang maayo nga batásan. He was taught good manners there. Patón-a siá sinâ. Make him learn (study) it. Patón-i siá sinâ. Get someone to teach him that. Sonô sang magtotóon amó man ang mga gintotón-an. As the master (is), so the disciples (are). Matámad siá magtoón. He is too lazy to study. He does not mind his books. Ginatamarán siá sa pagtoón. He is not in the humour to study (just at present). May tátlo siá ka bátà nga palatón-an. He has three children-of the legal age for attending school-whose education should be taken in hand,-who should be sent to school. (see magtotóon, gintotón-an, tinón-an, tulún-an, manunúon, túdlò).



To insist on payment; importune, press, dun, urge repeatedly (that a debt should be paid, an account squared, a contract fulfilled, or the like). Tukbilá siá sang íya útang. Insist on his paying his debt. Gintúkbil níya akó sang tulún-an nga ákon ginhulám sa íya. He kept asking me to give him back the book I had borrowed from him. Indì ka magtúkbil sa íya. Don't press him. (see túhil, sákò).



To swallow, etc. See tulón.



Throat, gullet, swallow, oesophagus. (see tulún).



To return, give back, render, restore, make restitution, Iúlì sa íya ang tulún-an. Give him back the book. Labáw na sa pilô ang naúlì. More than double has been returned. Básì pa lang nga maulían pa siá sing maáyo nga láwas. Let us hope that he will-be restored to health,-regain his health,-recover. Ginúlì na sang makáwat ang íya mga kináwat. The thief has given back the stolen goods. Naulían na siá sang íya dungúg. His honour is restored.



To return, give back, render, restore, make restitution, Iúlì sa íya ang tulún-an. Give him back the book. Labáw na sa pilô ang naúlì. More than double has been returned. Básì pa lang nga maulían pa siá sing maáyo nga láwas. Let us hope that he will-be restored to health,-regain his health,-recover. Ginúlì na sang makáwat ang íya mga kináwat. The thief has given back the stolen goods. Naulían na siá sang íya dungúg. His honour is restored.

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