Search result(s) - abága



The shoulder; to shoulder, carry on the shoulder. Dálha lang iní sa abága mo or abagáha lang ini. Carry this on your shoulder. Malápad ang íya abága or malápad siá sing abága. He has broad shoulders, (see pangabága).



One with strong or broad shoulders, broad-shouldered, (see abága).



(B) To carry, bear on one's shoulders or on the hip. Bakintolá iníng bayóong nga kalámay. Carry this sack of sugar. (see dalá, pás-an, tíbong, abága).



To sprain, dislocate, put out of joint. Nabílwa ang íya nga tiíl. His foot was sprained. Dì mo pagbilwahón ang íya abága. Do not dislocate his shoulder. Indì ka magámbak dirâ, kay matáas kag básì mabílwa ang ímo páa. Don't jump down there, for it is deep and you might sprain your leg. (see súlpò).



Weight, heaviness, ponderousness, heftiness; to be or become heavy, weighty, ponderous, hefty. A, nagbúg-at na ang báboy. Well, the pig has become heavy now. Nagbúg-at na ang kárga ko, kay nagbínhod ang ákon abága. My load feels heavy, because my shoulder is benumbed. Nabug-atán akó sinâ. That was too heavy for me. Indì ka magpabúg-at sang ímo láwas kon mapatíbong ka. Don't let yourself be a dead-weight, when you are carried on a man's shoulders. Fig.: Indì ka magpabúg-at sang pangabúhì sang ímo mga ginikánan. Don't be a burden to your parents. Nagbúg-at na kaáyo ang íya pagbátì. His condition has become very serious. He is very dangerously ill. (see tágbong).



Dim. and Freq. of gího. Igihógího ang abága mo. Move your shoulder a little. (see hulághúlag).



To put-, place-, rest-, lay-, support-, one's arm upon. Hámbuy or maghámbuy ka sa ákon abága. Put your arm on my shoulder. Ihámbuy ang bútkon mo sa halambúyan sang síya. Rest your arm on the arm of the chair. Hinambuyán níya ang lamésa. He laid his arm on the table.



To drop in, visit, call upon; to strike, graze, touch. Hápit ka ánay dirí sa ámon? Won't you come up for a moment? Ginhapítan nínyo si Párì Lukás dídto sa Ilóngílong?-Walâ kamí makahápit sa íya, kay nagdalî kamí sa pagpaúlì. Did you call on Father Lucas in Iloilo?-No, we could not call on him, for we were in a hurry to get home. Ang íya baláy hinápit sang líntì kag nasúnug. His house was struck by lightning and burnt to the ground. Ang isá ka trák humápit sang íya nga síko nga natángday sa talámbwan sa túman kabáskug nga túbtub ang mga túl-an sang íya abága nagkalutá gid. A passing truck grazed his elbow, which was resting on the window, with such force that his shoulder was dislocated. (see sákà, dúaw, salapáy).



(B) To bruise, contuse, injure by beating, etc. Sín-o ang naghárok sang ímo matá? Who gave you that black eye? Hinárok or ginhárok níya ang ákon abága. He bruised my shoulder. Sang pagkulúb sang áwto ang tátlo ka sumalákay nagkalahárok. When the automobile turned turtle the three passengers received bruises. (see hánog).



To move the shoulders up and down, to rock, undulate, pulsate; a rocking motion or movement. Ang kiáy sang túbig sa baybáyon. The rise and fall of the water on the sea-shore. Nagakiáy siá sang íya abága. She moves her shoulders up and down. (see kiáy-kíay).

lúak, lú-ak


To dislocate, break or separate joints. Luáka ang pákpak sang manók. Break off the chicken's wing. Nalúak ang íya bútkon. His arm was dislocated. Ginlúak gid lang níya sang íya kamót ang páa sang manók. He simply tore off the chicken's leg with his hand. Nahúlug siá sa lubí kag nalúak ang íya abága. He fell from a coconut palm and dislocated his shoulder. (see súlpò, líw-as).



Form or shape of one's shoulder (abága) Also: to shoulder, undergo, tackle, handle, manage. Walâ siá sing igkasángkol sa pagpangabága sang amó nga palangakoán. He has not the ability to shoulder the duties of such an office. Pílit na gid nga magkangíl-ad kamí sang íya pagpangabága (sang íya mga pangabága) sang íya mga katungdánan. We are now forced to-repudiate his way of performing his duties,-be disgusted with his manner of carrying out his obligation.



To lay or put one's hand upon. Panggambayí ang íya abága. Put your hand on his shoulders.



To strike with a flat piece of wood, the palm of the hand or the like; to beat cotton. Papaká ang íya abága. Slap him on the shoulder. Ginpapák níya akó. He struck me with his open hand. He slapped me.



To dislocate, dislodge, sprain; to be a candidate for a second term of office. Nasúlpò (Nagkasúlpò) ang íya abága. His shoulder was dislocated. Si Fuláno nagpasúlpò, ápang walâ siá pagsulpoá sang mga pumililî. N.N. offered his candidacy again, but the electors did not return him to office. Ginsúlpò níla ang dáan nga pangúlo-bánwa. They voted again for the old Municipal President. (see líw-as, lúak).



To shoulder, carry on the shoulder, carry a person pickaback (pick-back). Gintíbong níya akó. He carried me on his shoulders. Kon madálum ang túbig sang subâ mapatíbong akó sa táo. If the water of the river is deep I shall have myself carried across on the shoulders of a man. Ipatíbong mo sa íya ang bakág, bató, bátà, etc. Let him carry the basket, the stone, the child, etc. on his shoulder. Tibónga akó sa tabók sa subâ. Carry me pickaback across the river. (see abága, abá).



Unclothed, stripped, undressed, nude, naked, divested of; to strip, undress, take off clothes, divest of, uncloth, doff, bare, make bare, denude. Ubáha ang báyò mo. Take off your jacket or outer dress. Ubáhi siá sang íya báyò. Take off his coat or outer garment. Inubáhan (Ginubáhan) siá sang mga buyóng (sang íya mga panápton). The robbers stripped him. Ubáhi ang íya abága kag usisáon mo ang íya pilás. Bare his shoulder and examine his wound. Tungúd kay alángálang ang pagúba sang báyò sang pilasón gingúnting na lang sang manugbúlung. As it was difficult to divest the wounded man of his coat the doctor removed it by cutting with a pair of scissors. (see hubô, húblas).



Unclothed, stripped, undressed, nude, naked, divested of; to strip, undress, take off clothes, divest of, uncloth, doff, bare, make bare, denude. Ubáha ang báyò mo. Take off your jacket or outer dress. Ubáhi siá sang íya báyò. Take off his coat or outer garment. Inubáhan (Ginubáhan) siá sang mga buyóng (sang íya mga panápton). The robbers stripped him. Ubáhi ang íya abága kag usisáon mo ang íya pilás. Bare his shoulder and examine his wound. Tungúd kay alángálang ang pagúba sang báyò sang pilasón gingúnting na lang sang manugbúlung. As it was difficult to divest the wounded man of his coat the doctor removed it by cutting with a pair of scissors. (see hubô, húblas).



The south or the southwest wind, simoom, simoon, sirocco. (see amíhan, kanáway, túgpo, laságas, salátan, tímug).



The South. (see bagátnan).

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