Search result(s) - dagumák



To use up, wear out, spoil by frequent use. Dagumaká lang ang bág-o mo nga sapátos. Just wear out your new boots. Indì mo pagidagumák iníng matahúm mo nga bestído. Don't spoil this beautiful frock of yours by too frequent use. (see pasaburát, pasaburák, patúyang, saguláy, sarabóg).



To wear out by constant use, etc. See dagumák, saguláy, sarabóg. Also: To take without ceremony, make use of another man's property without his permission. (see lámang, lábni, kúhà, buúl).



To use often or frequently, wear out by constant use. Ginadúgmal níya lang ang malahálon nga mga panápton. He wears out his expensive clothes by constant use. He is always wearing his best clothes. Indì ka magdúgmal sang ímo sapátos nga bág-o. Don't wear your new boots often. (see gánoy, gámit, dagumák, saguláy).



Thoughtlessness, carelessness; rash, hasty, happy-go-lucky, listless, heedless, without consideration for the consequences, without distinction or difference; to do in a happy-go-lucky way, etc. Ginagarámpà gid lang níya ang amó nga báyò sa mga ádlaw nga piésta kag sa matagádlaw. She uses the same dress without distinction on feast-days and work-days. Garampaá lang silá nga tanán sang amó nga tráto. Just treat them all alike without distinction. Indì nínyo paggarampaón ang pagsílhig. Don't sweep perfunctorily. (see saláma, pasalipákpak, pasapayán, pasaburák, pasipákpak, dagumák, saguláy).



(B) To wear out, use up. Ginarúgnas na ang báyò kang mánong na (kang ána mánong). (Ginasagúlay níya (Ginaságad níya sang usár) ang báyò sang íya maguláng). He is wearing out the jacket of his eldest brother. Indì mo pagrugnasón ang ákon kálò. Don't wear out my hat. (see sagúlay, dagumák, sarabóg).

sagúlay, saguláy


To spoil or wear out by constant use, deteriorate or ruin through too frequent use. Indì mo pagsaguláyon (pagisagúlay) ang bág-o mo nga kálò. Don't spoil your new hat by constant use. (see dagumák, sarabóg).



To put to hard use, wear out by use. (see saguláy, dagumák, sarabóg).



(B) To wear out, spoil, ruin, make shabby or useless by too frequent use. Indì mo pagsarabogón (pagisarabóg) ang madálig kag bág-o mo nga térno. (Indì mo pagidúgmal (pagisaguláy) ang matahúm kag bág-o mo nga térno). Don't make your fine new suit (of clothes) shabby by wearing it always. Don't ruin your beautiful new suit of clothes by constant use. (see dagumák, saguláy, dúgmal).